What is Acne? People have differing opinions as to what acne really is. So, what exactly is acne? Do a couple of occasional but recurring zits qualify as a case of acne or do you have to have a lot of zits?
Believe it or not, the answer is that occasional pimples or zits do not constitute a true case of acne. Although zits do seem to have the ability to appear almost instantaneously and at the most inopportune times like picture day, prom night, spelling bees, sporting events, dates, and special award ceremonies, they are not a true acne outbreak.
The dictionary defines acne as "an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, especially on the face, back, chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules resulting in scarring."
The anatomical definition of sebaceous glands is: "small subcutaneous glands usually connected with hair follicles. The follicles secrete an oily semi-fluid matter, composed in great part of fat, which softens and lubricates the hair and skin."
Real acne outbreaks are actually a disease of the skin. However, the great news is that acne is treatable. Although it can be very embarrassing, cause great emotional distress, and lower your personal self-esteem for a period of time, acne is not fatal.
There are new and effective treatments being sought by researchers and great advances have been made in the treatment of acne in the last few years. Years ago, when a person had acne, they were pretty much stuck with the problem. There were very few treatments available and the medical profession didn't even consider acne a disease.
It was long thought that acne was the direct result of a diet that was too high in fat and/or sweets. That is no longer the case. Acne is most often associated with puberty and the onset of pre-teen and teenage years but it can and does develop in adults as well. When acne does finally heal, there can be permanent scars left (from picking and popping) that are unsightly and cause patients to suffer long term emotional distress and low self- esteem.
New and very effective skin resurfacing treatments have been developed over the last several years that have, if not completely removed acne scars, at least diminished their appearance and severity.
Acne Fact or Fiction:
You can hear a lot of tall tales about acne today, so let's take a look at the fact or fiction of acne. It is always better to be well armed with factual information so that you don't get fooled by the fictional facts that surround acne.
Fictional Fact #1: Acne is caused by a lack of sexual activity.
Factual Fact: Acne and sexual activity are two entirely separate issues. One has no bearing on the other. Hormones secreted during puberty and young adulthood does have a bearing on acne. They also have a bearing on sexual arousal and activity. However, acne has no bearing on sexual activity nor does sexual activity have any bearing on acne.
Fictional Fact #2: People have acne because they are dirty.
Factual Fact: Dirt has no part in acne. Dirt is dirt. Acne is acne. One has nothing to do with the other. Acne is a build up of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Dirt isn't involved. Keeping the face clean can and will help to prevent clogged pores but dirt does not cause acne.
Fictional Fact #3: Dermatologists can cure acne.
Factual Fact: Dermatologists can TREAT acne. They can help to alleviate the symptoms and help to clear up the pimples, black-heads, and white heads. They can prescribe antibiotics and topical ointments, lotions, and creams that will help but there is no cure at this time for acne.
Fictional Fact #4: Acne is simply a skin problem.
Factual Fact: It's true that acne affects the skin but it can also affect the way a person sees himself or herself. Acne and the scarring it can leave behind may cause a sufferer to become depressed and develop low self-esteem, both of which can lead to larger and more complex life socialization problems. Acne sufferers need the loving support and reassurance from their family and friends.
Acne and Stress:
Can stress actually cause acne? There is ample evidence available to suggest that stress can most assuredly cause an acne breakout or make an existing breakout worse. Our bodies are highly developed chemical laboratories that produce all sorts of stuff.
At puberty, our body begins to produce an abundance of male hormones and this happens in both boys and girls. This overproduction of male hormones can happen at other times in life besides puberty; for example, when a girl or woman starting or stops taking birth control pills.
These male hormones cause the bodies sebaceous glands to shift into overdrive and begin producing sebum. The sebum then travels up hair follicles, clogs the pores and begins the acne development cycle. However, male hormones are not the only cause for the sebaceous glands to begin producing an overabundance of sebum. When we become extremely stressed or overly emotional, our bodies react by causing the adrenal glands to produce a substance known as Cortisol, which is released directly into the bloodstream. Then the chemical chain reaction continues as the sebaceous glands release sebum, the sebum travels up the same hair follicles, clogs the pores and acne develops.
The physical changes in the body can cause exactly the same chemical chain reaction as the emotional changes in the mind. The mind/body connection is very real. Maybe some of it really IS in your head. If that's the case, there is help available to help people deal with the acne that is caused by stress. Reducing stress will just naturally reduce sebum production by the sebaceous glands and reducing sebum production will help to alleviate an acne breakout. Therefore, when you learn to reduce and control you stress levels, this part of the chemical chain reaction is minimized.
It really it isn't any different than restoring a hormonal balance to your body that reduces sebum production. So, in the final analysis, both factors that cause excessive sebum production should be addressed. Solving one problem might help; however, solving both problems could eliminate acne altogether.
Acne Facials:
If you are part of the 95 of the population who suffer from acne, you have more than likely seen TV or print media advertisements for acne facials. Have you ever wondered if there is anything to the claims that their manufacturers make?
In general, the answer is yes! Most acne facials are very effective, pretty much worth the price, and can be used in conjunction with your usual acne fighting regime. They won't necessarily replace any part of what you are already doing; but, rather enhance the overall effects.
You can find acne facials in most health stores, at many cosmetic counters, and online. As a matter of fact, you can probably complete a better comparison of available products online than you can anywhere else.
Most of these acne facial products provide for a three-step program. The first step is a complete facial cleansing. The next step is a steam massage. The final step is a facial mask. The first two steps are designed to prepare the face. The steam massage softens the black heads and the white heads to remove toxins from your skin. The facial mask serves to remove the dead skin cells from the face and to moisturize it as well. The overall effect of the acne facial is a very relaxing, calming, and cleansing experience. It just plain feels good. Anything that helps to calm and sooth your stress can't be bad because we all know that acne is aggravated by high stress levels. Acne facial masks can be used in addition to other parts of your acne prevention and treatment regime or you may find that the facial can, in fact, actually replace some things that you are currently doing.
Acne Concealer's:
One of Newton's laws of physics laws says that, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." That law of physics spills over into a lot of our life situations. For example: A young woman gets a zit and wants to cover it up. The cosmetics industry has a multitude of products designed to do just that. Okay, that's a little far out there but you get my point.
The acne pimples, whether they are white heads or black heads should never be picked at or popped. If they are popped or picked, it can and normally does result is a scar that is much harder to get rid of than the actual pimple, black head or white head. Popping a pimple is not going to make it go away. In fact, popping a pimple is only going to make the acne worse.
Still when you get a zit, you have to go out and face the world so you are looking for ways to make your skin look clear. You want to disguise the zit and make it as unnoticeable as possible. Here is where the cosmetic industry can help. There are a multitude of products designed to make a zit less noticeable. You don't want to use a product that just adds to the problem by adding additional oil to already oily skin. So, you do need to remember, that when you use a cover product to make the zit less noticeable, you need to totally clean the product from your skin immediately when you return home.
Some of the better known as well as more effective cosmetic concealer's on the market today are:
1. Dermablend Smooth Indulgence Concealer: This product produces a smooth matte appearance and was designed specifically for covering acne blemishes as well as for covering Rosacea and dark circles under the eyes.
2. Flawless Skin by Prescriptives: This product will not aggravate acne but will supply a medium to full coverage and it contains SPF 25 for protection from the sun.
Don't let acne control you; but rather, become smart and learn how to control the negative influences in your life that create a positive situation for acne to develop!
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7175.shtml
5 Step Killer DB Workout For Amazingly Fast and Effective Results
When you purchase the fitness equipment, you also get a sheet of paper with a list of exercises to do. No wonder you’re frustrated and no wonder your equipment turns into another expensive clothes hanger.
Here is a solution for you.
For those of you who can’t or don’t want to go to the gym but want a fast and effective workout, here are five steps that will get you to achieve the best results:
Step 1: Spend some cash on dumbbells and bench
If you have got a few bucks available, then go to a fitness equipment dealer and purchase some dumbbells and an adjustable bench. For a woman, start with 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, 10’s, 12’s, and 15 lb. db’s. For a man, go for 50’s with the increment of 5 lb. for each db.
Step 2: Set up your workout space
The most popular choice is the basement, while bedrooms are a distant second. Whatever you choose will do, but the one thing you need to make sure of is that you are doing the exercise correctly. Set a full length mirror in your workout room, it will help.
Step 3: Set aside 30 minutes at least four times a week for strength training
You can also do workouts for 6 days; just make sure that you are splitting up between your body elements for each day to work out. For example, one day, do chest, back, biceps and calves and on the next day, do legs, triceps, abs and shoulders. Use the same arrangements for the 4-day workout. You can also do them during daytime.
Step 4: The db strength training routine
Here are the db exercises that helps to get the most muscles worked in less time:
Chest – db flat bench press
Hold the db’s and lie down on the bench. Press your lower back into the cushion. Lower your db’s so that they are next to your chest, then push up and in an arc until they are above your chest. Feel the stretch at the bottom and also feel your chest muscles working as you go up. Then lower and repeat it again.
Back – db bent over row
Hold the pair of db’s at your side when you stand up straight. Pull your shoulders back, and stick your butt out as you bend forward. Your back should be nice and flat. When the upper body is parallel to the ground with your arms straight, then you are in the starting position. Now, imagine yourself rowing a boat. Make use of the action to drag your db’s up and back then towards the hips. Then lower and do it again.
Biceps – db standing curl
Keep your arms straight and hold the db’s with palms facing forward. Then place the arms at sides and raise the db by bending your elbows only. Don’t include your back and shoulder in it. Bend the elbow and keep the arms straight.
Calves – Standing calf rise on basement step
Put your both feet on the step so that you can situate yourself on the balls of your feet. In this position, maintain your legs straight, abs tight and butt tucked in. then lower your heels to the ground by maintaining the tight position with the rest of your body. Rise up as far as you can, up to the tippy toes. Then lower and do it again.
Legs – db squat for guys and lunge for women
For the squat position: keep your db’s at the sides. When you lower yourself, pretend you are sitting down on the chair. You must stay on your heels. Also, keep your torso tight for a great support to your spine. You can push back yourself, when you feel bending too far ahead as you go down.
For lunges: Keep the db’s at your sides. Keep your torso as stiff as a 2x4 then take big step forward with one leg. Once your foot are planted, lower your hips so that you are about to touch the ground with your tailing knee, but actually you are not touching. Move forward with your front leg. Repeat all the sets with one leg before switching to the other.
Triceps –db triceps kickback
Come to a position of bent over row. Keep the arms steady by raising them at your sides. Then straighten your arms until they are straight as an arrow. Slightly bend your elbows and then straighten your arms. This step is the reverse action of db standing curl.
Shoulders – Standing db shoulder press
Stand straight and be tight to support your spine and lift the dumbbell until they are even with your ears. The position must be in the straight line from your left elbow to your right elbow. Drive the db’s over your head in an arc and make sure that you keep the db’s moving above your head, but not in front.
Step 5: Keep your attention on what you do, instead of what you haven’t done
Don’t be discouraged when you can’t achieve your target workout. For instance, if you do three workouts this week then keep your target as four for next. Be honest with yourself, because it’s you that matters. Adjust your lifestyle so that you can achieve your goal.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7165.shtml
Here is a solution for you.
For those of you who can’t or don’t want to go to the gym but want a fast and effective workout, here are five steps that will get you to achieve the best results:
Step 1: Spend some cash on dumbbells and bench
If you have got a few bucks available, then go to a fitness equipment dealer and purchase some dumbbells and an adjustable bench. For a woman, start with 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, 10’s, 12’s, and 15 lb. db’s. For a man, go for 50’s with the increment of 5 lb. for each db.
Step 2: Set up your workout space
The most popular choice is the basement, while bedrooms are a distant second. Whatever you choose will do, but the one thing you need to make sure of is that you are doing the exercise correctly. Set a full length mirror in your workout room, it will help.
Step 3: Set aside 30 minutes at least four times a week for strength training
You can also do workouts for 6 days; just make sure that you are splitting up between your body elements for each day to work out. For example, one day, do chest, back, biceps and calves and on the next day, do legs, triceps, abs and shoulders. Use the same arrangements for the 4-day workout. You can also do them during daytime.
Step 4: The db strength training routine
Here are the db exercises that helps to get the most muscles worked in less time:
Chest – db flat bench press
Hold the db’s and lie down on the bench. Press your lower back into the cushion. Lower your db’s so that they are next to your chest, then push up and in an arc until they are above your chest. Feel the stretch at the bottom and also feel your chest muscles working as you go up. Then lower and repeat it again.
Back – db bent over row
Hold the pair of db’s at your side when you stand up straight. Pull your shoulders back, and stick your butt out as you bend forward. Your back should be nice and flat. When the upper body is parallel to the ground with your arms straight, then you are in the starting position. Now, imagine yourself rowing a boat. Make use of the action to drag your db’s up and back then towards the hips. Then lower and do it again.
Biceps – db standing curl
Keep your arms straight and hold the db’s with palms facing forward. Then place the arms at sides and raise the db by bending your elbows only. Don’t include your back and shoulder in it. Bend the elbow and keep the arms straight.
Calves – Standing calf rise on basement step
Put your both feet on the step so that you can situate yourself on the balls of your feet. In this position, maintain your legs straight, abs tight and butt tucked in. then lower your heels to the ground by maintaining the tight position with the rest of your body. Rise up as far as you can, up to the tippy toes. Then lower and do it again.
Legs – db squat for guys and lunge for women
For the squat position: keep your db’s at the sides. When you lower yourself, pretend you are sitting down on the chair. You must stay on your heels. Also, keep your torso tight for a great support to your spine. You can push back yourself, when you feel bending too far ahead as you go down.
For lunges: Keep the db’s at your sides. Keep your torso as stiff as a 2x4 then take big step forward with one leg. Once your foot are planted, lower your hips so that you are about to touch the ground with your tailing knee, but actually you are not touching. Move forward with your front leg. Repeat all the sets with one leg before switching to the other.
Triceps –db triceps kickback
Come to a position of bent over row. Keep the arms steady by raising them at your sides. Then straighten your arms until they are straight as an arrow. Slightly bend your elbows and then straighten your arms. This step is the reverse action of db standing curl.
Shoulders – Standing db shoulder press
Stand straight and be tight to support your spine and lift the dumbbell until they are even with your ears. The position must be in the straight line from your left elbow to your right elbow. Drive the db’s over your head in an arc and make sure that you keep the db’s moving above your head, but not in front.
Step 5: Keep your attention on what you do, instead of what you haven’t done
Don’t be discouraged when you can’t achieve your target workout. For instance, if you do three workouts this week then keep your target as four for next. Be honest with yourself, because it’s you that matters. Adjust your lifestyle so that you can achieve your goal.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7165.shtml
The pain known as sciatica (sometimes misspelled as "syatica" or "psyatica") is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve (one on each side). The symptoms of sciatica usually start in the buttock and may extend partially or all the way down the leg. The sciatic nerves are each formed by nerve roots from the lower lumbar and sacral parts of the spinal cord. The individual nerve roots come together in the lower pelvis to form the sciatic nerves. Each sciatic nerve then runs from the pelvis down the back of each leg. The sciatic nerve splits into two parts below the knee and the two halves run down the back of the lower leg to the foot.
While there are several possible causes of sciatica, by far the most common source of sciatic nerve irritation is a bulging or herniated disc in the lower lumbar spine. A damaged disc may bulge into the opening where one of the nerve roots exits the spine on it's way to join other nerve roots as part of the sciatic nerve. The bulging disc may create direct nerve pressure, and/or may trigger inflammation and swelling, which can also cause pressure on the nerve. When this occurs, pain and other symptoms may be felt part along the course of the sciatic nerve, starting in the buttock area and possibly running down the leg, sometimes all the way to the foot.
Besides disc bulges, spinal openings for nerves may be narrowed by bone spurs or other bone formations related to spinal degeneration. In some cases, sciatica may result from direct trauma to the nerve after it exits the pelvis, such as what can happen if there is a direct impact or hard pressure applied in the lower buttock region. Rare sources of sciatica can include spinal tumors, which can compress sciatic nerve roots as they exit the spine. Another rare cause of sciatica is a cyst or tumor that compresses the sciatic nerve in the hip or knee area.
Not every buttock or leg pain that people think is sciatica is acutually sciatica. True sciatica (sciatic nerve irritation) is usually felt mostly in the back of the leg (not the front or side of the leg). Symptoms of true sciatica are described by various people as stabbing, burning, tingling, numbness/heaviness, or like an electric shock. But even if symptoms seem like sciatica, they are not always due to actual irritation of the sciatic nerve.
One common condition that closely mimics sciatica is caused by knots of contraction called trigger points in a muscle called the piriformis. The piriformis muscles are located on either side of the lower buttock area, running from the upper thigh bone to the edge of the sacrum (the triangular pelvic bone that is at the base of the spine). In addition to causing symptoms that mimic sciatica, tightness in the piriformis muscle may also cause true sciatic irritation, because the sciatic nerve actually runs through the center of the piriformis muscle in some people, and can be compressed by excessive muscle contraction.
Trigger points in other muscles in the buttocks and upper thigh can cause referred pain in the side of the leg that may be mistaken for sciatica as well. It should be kept in mind that true sciatica and piriformis syndrome are associated with symptoms that are primarily felt in the back of the leg. If symptoms are in the front or side of the leg, there's a good chance that the problem is not sciatica.
Treatment of sciatica is usually associated with treating a bulging disc. The first line of treatment is usually an attempt to reduce inflammation to reduce pressure on the nerve bymeans of oral medications. If oral medications fail, steroids may be injected in the area of the disc bulge in order to provide more potent anti-inflammatory effects. A variety of other types of treatment may also be used, such as physical therapy, massage, chiropractic or osteopathic spinal manipulation, acupuncture, or one of the newest forms of treatment, spinal decompression. In some situations, surgery may be recommended as a last resort.
Most episodes of sciatica will resolve within a period of several weeks with or without treatment, but due to the severity of the pain typically involved, most people with sciatica will seek out treatment. Unfortunately, due to misconceptions by doctors and patients alike regarding the nature of sciatica, the necessary steps to prevent a return of sciatica are usually not taken. So, even though most people do recover from a bout of sciatica, nearly all will eventually have problems again at some point. Even sciatica sufferers initially treated successfully with surgery will often have future problems with sciatica.
The good news is that with awareness of how to manage sciatica and a little bit of effort dedicated to prevention, most people can avoid ongoing long-term sciatica problems. The challenge is simply to making people aware of the necessity of a "management" versus "cure" approach to sciatica and getting them to follow-through with preventive exercises and other self-care techniques.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7160.shtml
While there are several possible causes of sciatica, by far the most common source of sciatic nerve irritation is a bulging or herniated disc in the lower lumbar spine. A damaged disc may bulge into the opening where one of the nerve roots exits the spine on it's way to join other nerve roots as part of the sciatic nerve. The bulging disc may create direct nerve pressure, and/or may trigger inflammation and swelling, which can also cause pressure on the nerve. When this occurs, pain and other symptoms may be felt part along the course of the sciatic nerve, starting in the buttock area and possibly running down the leg, sometimes all the way to the foot.
Besides disc bulges, spinal openings for nerves may be narrowed by bone spurs or other bone formations related to spinal degeneration. In some cases, sciatica may result from direct trauma to the nerve after it exits the pelvis, such as what can happen if there is a direct impact or hard pressure applied in the lower buttock region. Rare sources of sciatica can include spinal tumors, which can compress sciatic nerve roots as they exit the spine. Another rare cause of sciatica is a cyst or tumor that compresses the sciatic nerve in the hip or knee area.
Not every buttock or leg pain that people think is sciatica is acutually sciatica. True sciatica (sciatic nerve irritation) is usually felt mostly in the back of the leg (not the front or side of the leg). Symptoms of true sciatica are described by various people as stabbing, burning, tingling, numbness/heaviness, or like an electric shock. But even if symptoms seem like sciatica, they are not always due to actual irritation of the sciatic nerve.
One common condition that closely mimics sciatica is caused by knots of contraction called trigger points in a muscle called the piriformis. The piriformis muscles are located on either side of the lower buttock area, running from the upper thigh bone to the edge of the sacrum (the triangular pelvic bone that is at the base of the spine). In addition to causing symptoms that mimic sciatica, tightness in the piriformis muscle may also cause true sciatic irritation, because the sciatic nerve actually runs through the center of the piriformis muscle in some people, and can be compressed by excessive muscle contraction.
Trigger points in other muscles in the buttocks and upper thigh can cause referred pain in the side of the leg that may be mistaken for sciatica as well. It should be kept in mind that true sciatica and piriformis syndrome are associated with symptoms that are primarily felt in the back of the leg. If symptoms are in the front or side of the leg, there's a good chance that the problem is not sciatica.
Treatment of sciatica is usually associated with treating a bulging disc. The first line of treatment is usually an attempt to reduce inflammation to reduce pressure on the nerve bymeans of oral medications. If oral medications fail, steroids may be injected in the area of the disc bulge in order to provide more potent anti-inflammatory effects. A variety of other types of treatment may also be used, such as physical therapy, massage, chiropractic or osteopathic spinal manipulation, acupuncture, or one of the newest forms of treatment, spinal decompression. In some situations, surgery may be recommended as a last resort.
Most episodes of sciatica will resolve within a period of several weeks with or without treatment, but due to the severity of the pain typically involved, most people with sciatica will seek out treatment. Unfortunately, due to misconceptions by doctors and patients alike regarding the nature of sciatica, the necessary steps to prevent a return of sciatica are usually not taken. So, even though most people do recover from a bout of sciatica, nearly all will eventually have problems again at some point. Even sciatica sufferers initially treated successfully with surgery will often have future problems with sciatica.
The good news is that with awareness of how to manage sciatica and a little bit of effort dedicated to prevention, most people can avoid ongoing long-term sciatica problems. The challenge is simply to making people aware of the necessity of a "management" versus "cure" approach to sciatica and getting them to follow-through with preventive exercises and other self-care techniques.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7160.shtml
Changing bodies, changing needs: teens, ages 13 to 19
It would be nice if teens came with an owner's manual, but, of course, they don't. Actually that's part of the fun and challenge of parenting teens. Each one is unique. The best you can do as a parent is to try to guide your teen through the obstacle course of adolescence with love, firmness, patience and healthy role-modeling. It is extremely important to stay involved in your teenager's day-to-day life. Here are some helpful tips:
[check] Openly discuss and role-play ways to handle temptations, such as peer pressure to have sex, drink, smoke or take drugs.
[check] Explain the health risks of smoking, abusing household products such as inhalants, and abusing alcohol and nonprescription and prescription medications.
[check] Insist that your teen wear a helmet when cycling and appropriate protective gear when engaging in other sports.
[check] Insist that your teen always wear a seat belt.
[check] Talk about the danger of handling guns.
[check] Offer to pick up your teenager anywhere, anytime--with no questions asked--if he or she is tempted to drive while high or drunk or is asked to ride in a car driven by an intoxicated friend.
[check] Be alert for signs of drug use, depression, eating disorders and gang participation. If a problem seems too serious for you to handle alone, seek help. Contact a health care professional, clergy member, support group or school counselor.
[check] Provide nutritional, well-balanced, high-fiber meals and snacks that are rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Teens should consume at least three servings of dairy foods per day.
[check] Challenge your teen to seek out healthier alternatives to fast food.
[check] Limit television watching and eating in front of the TV.
[check] Encourage regular physical activity. Plan family outings, such as swimming and hiking. Play sports together.
[check] Be a healthy eating role model yourself.
[check] Emphasize the importance of self-care, including regular exercise, a balanced, low-fat diet and regular oral health checkups.
[check] Answer your teen's questions about sex honestly and provide resources to help him or her make safe and healthy decisions about sex.
[check] Make age-appropriate rules and follow through with your enforcement of those rules.
[check] Encourage your teen to get at least nine hours of sleep each night.
[check] Engage in regular discussions about the powerful influences of peer pressure.
[check] Keep the lines of communication open; avoid judging or preaching.
[check] Help your teen learn how to roll with the punches and put life's stresses into perspective.
Sources: American Medical Association; The Nemours Foundation; and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
If your teen has acne, she or he isn't alone. Acne occurs in almost 85 percent of 12- to 24-year-olds. Though the precise cause is unknown, experts believe acne results from hormones, which increase during puberty and can cause the glands to enlarge and make more sebum (oil). Another factor is heredity. Stress, certain drugs, greasy cosmetics, friction and environmental irritants can worsen acne. But it's a myth that chocolate or other foods, or dirt, are to blame.
[check] Wash skin gently with a mild soap made for acne-prone skin. Scrubbing your face or washing too often can make acne worse.
[check] To help prevent scarring, avoid picking or frequently touching pimples.
[check] Shave carefully to avoid nicking blemishes. Try both an electric razor and a disposable razor (always use a sharp blade) to see which works better.
[check] Avoid sunbathing.
[check] Use only oil-free cosmetics.
[check] Try over-the-counter acne treatments to help dry the skin and prevent new blemishes.
[check] For severe cases of acne, ask your pediatrician or dermatologist about an oral prescription medication or a topical acne treatment.
Sources: American Academy of Dermatology and the National Institutes of Health
Teen Depression Warning Signs
* Changes in personality or eating and sleeping habits
* Sustained boredom, irritability or sadness
* Unexplained violent or rebellious behavior, significant problems with parents
* Withdrawal from family or friends
* Tobacco, alcohol or other substance abuse
* Significant weight gain or loss and unusual neglect of appearance
* Difficulty concentrating, unexplained drop in schoolwork quality and grades
* Unplanned pregnancy
* Problems dealing with sexual orientation
* Unusual interest in themes of death; giving away prized possessions
* Talking about suicide or threatening or attempting to kill oneself
* Running away or being arrested
If your child displays any of the above warning signs, call a pediatrician, mental health professional, school counselor or the National Suicide Hotline, 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).
Eating Disorder Warning Signs
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are devastating illnesses for both the affected individual and their families. They are most common among teenage girls and women in their early 20s, but can occur in boys and men, as well. Untreated, eating disorders can lead to serious health problems and death. Not all health care professionals are trained to treat eating disorders. Ask your health care professional for a referral to a specialist if your teen exhibits any of these behaviors or symptoms:
* Intense fear of weight gain; anxiety around mealtimes
* Strange behavior around meals, including moving food around on the plate without eating it and hiding food
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* Unrealistic or distorted body image
* Missing menstrual periods
* Withdrawing emotionally from people and avoiding social activities
* Eating large amounts of food in one sitting or secretively (bingeing), then getting rid of it by forced vomiting or abusing laxatives (purging)
* Disappearing into the bathroom after meals for long periods of time
* Exercising to excess
Parents can do a lot to discourage unhealthy eating behaviors and encourage positive body images among their teens. Try these approaches:
* Explain that it's healthy and normal to gain some weight and experience other physical changes during adolescence.
* Don't criticize your teen's weight.
* Talk about the idealized physical images of men and women portrayed by the media and how these images are unrealistic for most people.
* Model healthy attitudes about your own body.
Sources: American Psychiatric Association; American Academy of Pediatrics; and the Harvard Eating Disorders Center
How to Quit Smoking Tips to Share with Teens
Tobacco use produces substantial health problems among teens, including an increase in the number and severity of respiratory illnesses, such as asthma and bronchitis, and decreased physical fitness. Tobacco use also increases the risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema and other health problems later in life. The first symptoms of tobacco dependence among 12- and 13-year-olds can appear within days to weeks after occasional use begins, often before the onset of daily smoking. Here are some tips for teens:
* Choose a "Quit Day" in the next two weeks.
* Use the Internet: www.smokefree.gov, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, is one of several smoking-cessation sites for Web-savvy teens.
* If you are looking for a job, try to apply only at smoke-free workplaces.
* Get involved in team sports where you are likely to meet friends who don't smoke.
* Ask your health care professional about treatments to quit smoking. Many over-the-counter products that include self-help programs are available for smokers 18 and over. For younger teens, ask your health care professional for guidance.
* See if your school or community offers N-O-T (Not on Tobacco), a teen program of the American Lung Association, www.lungusa.org.
* Consider enrolling in group or individual therapy aimed at smoking cessation.
Suggest your teen do one of the following activities when he or she feels like smoking:
* Go for a walk.
* Call a friend.
* Drink water or juice.
* Take a deep breath and count to five. Let your breath out slowly. Repeat five times.
* Tell yourself, "I can quit smoking."
Sources: American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics
[check] Openly discuss and role-play ways to handle temptations, such as peer pressure to have sex, drink, smoke or take drugs.
[check] Explain the health risks of smoking, abusing household products such as inhalants, and abusing alcohol and nonprescription and prescription medications.
[check] Insist that your teen wear a helmet when cycling and appropriate protective gear when engaging in other sports.
[check] Insist that your teen always wear a seat belt.
[check] Talk about the danger of handling guns.
[check] Offer to pick up your teenager anywhere, anytime--with no questions asked--if he or she is tempted to drive while high or drunk or is asked to ride in a car driven by an intoxicated friend.
[check] Be alert for signs of drug use, depression, eating disorders and gang participation. If a problem seems too serious for you to handle alone, seek help. Contact a health care professional, clergy member, support group or school counselor.
[check] Provide nutritional, well-balanced, high-fiber meals and snacks that are rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Teens should consume at least three servings of dairy foods per day.
[check] Challenge your teen to seek out healthier alternatives to fast food.
[check] Limit television watching and eating in front of the TV.
[check] Encourage regular physical activity. Plan family outings, such as swimming and hiking. Play sports together.
[check] Be a healthy eating role model yourself.
[check] Emphasize the importance of self-care, including regular exercise, a balanced, low-fat diet and regular oral health checkups.
[check] Answer your teen's questions about sex honestly and provide resources to help him or her make safe and healthy decisions about sex.
[check] Make age-appropriate rules and follow through with your enforcement of those rules.
[check] Encourage your teen to get at least nine hours of sleep each night.
[check] Engage in regular discussions about the powerful influences of peer pressure.
[check] Keep the lines of communication open; avoid judging or preaching.
[check] Help your teen learn how to roll with the punches and put life's stresses into perspective.
Sources: American Medical Association; The Nemours Foundation; and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
If your teen has acne, she or he isn't alone. Acne occurs in almost 85 percent of 12- to 24-year-olds. Though the precise cause is unknown, experts believe acne results from hormones, which increase during puberty and can cause the glands to enlarge and make more sebum (oil). Another factor is heredity. Stress, certain drugs, greasy cosmetics, friction and environmental irritants can worsen acne. But it's a myth that chocolate or other foods, or dirt, are to blame.
[check] Wash skin gently with a mild soap made for acne-prone skin. Scrubbing your face or washing too often can make acne worse.
[check] To help prevent scarring, avoid picking or frequently touching pimples.
[check] Shave carefully to avoid nicking blemishes. Try both an electric razor and a disposable razor (always use a sharp blade) to see which works better.
[check] Avoid sunbathing.
[check] Use only oil-free cosmetics.
[check] Try over-the-counter acne treatments to help dry the skin and prevent new blemishes.
[check] For severe cases of acne, ask your pediatrician or dermatologist about an oral prescription medication or a topical acne treatment.
Sources: American Academy of Dermatology and the National Institutes of Health
Teen Depression Warning Signs
* Changes in personality or eating and sleeping habits
* Sustained boredom, irritability or sadness
* Unexplained violent or rebellious behavior, significant problems with parents
* Withdrawal from family or friends
* Tobacco, alcohol or other substance abuse
* Significant weight gain or loss and unusual neglect of appearance
* Difficulty concentrating, unexplained drop in schoolwork quality and grades
* Unplanned pregnancy
* Problems dealing with sexual orientation
* Unusual interest in themes of death; giving away prized possessions
* Talking about suicide or threatening or attempting to kill oneself
* Running away or being arrested
If your child displays any of the above warning signs, call a pediatrician, mental health professional, school counselor or the National Suicide Hotline, 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).
Eating Disorder Warning Signs
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are devastating illnesses for both the affected individual and their families. They are most common among teenage girls and women in their early 20s, but can occur in boys and men, as well. Untreated, eating disorders can lead to serious health problems and death. Not all health care professionals are trained to treat eating disorders. Ask your health care professional for a referral to a specialist if your teen exhibits any of these behaviors or symptoms:
* Intense fear of weight gain; anxiety around mealtimes
* Strange behavior around meals, including moving food around on the plate without eating it and hiding food
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* Unrealistic or distorted body image
* Missing menstrual periods
* Withdrawing emotionally from people and avoiding social activities
* Eating large amounts of food in one sitting or secretively (bingeing), then getting rid of it by forced vomiting or abusing laxatives (purging)
* Disappearing into the bathroom after meals for long periods of time
* Exercising to excess
Parents can do a lot to discourage unhealthy eating behaviors and encourage positive body images among their teens. Try these approaches:
* Explain that it's healthy and normal to gain some weight and experience other physical changes during adolescence.
* Don't criticize your teen's weight.
* Talk about the idealized physical images of men and women portrayed by the media and how these images are unrealistic for most people.
* Model healthy attitudes about your own body.
Sources: American Psychiatric Association; American Academy of Pediatrics; and the Harvard Eating Disorders Center
How to Quit Smoking Tips to Share with Teens
Tobacco use produces substantial health problems among teens, including an increase in the number and severity of respiratory illnesses, such as asthma and bronchitis, and decreased physical fitness. Tobacco use also increases the risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema and other health problems later in life. The first symptoms of tobacco dependence among 12- and 13-year-olds can appear within days to weeks after occasional use begins, often before the onset of daily smoking. Here are some tips for teens:
* Choose a "Quit Day" in the next two weeks.
* Use the Internet: www.smokefree.gov, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, is one of several smoking-cessation sites for Web-savvy teens.
* If you are looking for a job, try to apply only at smoke-free workplaces.
* Get involved in team sports where you are likely to meet friends who don't smoke.
* Ask your health care professional about treatments to quit smoking. Many over-the-counter products that include self-help programs are available for smokers 18 and over. For younger teens, ask your health care professional for guidance.
* See if your school or community offers N-O-T (Not on Tobacco), a teen program of the American Lung Association, www.lungusa.org.
* Consider enrolling in group or individual therapy aimed at smoking cessation.
Suggest your teen do one of the following activities when he or she feels like smoking:
* Go for a walk.
* Call a friend.
* Drink water or juice.
* Take a deep breath and count to five. Let your breath out slowly. Repeat five times.
* Tell yourself, "I can quit smoking."
Sources: American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics
Blow Away Your Dandruff
by: Darren Brent
Do you suffer from itchy scalp but embarrassed to scratch in public?
Do you have hair loss while you always have white flakes shedding on your clothes?
You are not alone as there are millions like you who suffer from Dandruff. Understanding what this skin disease is and how to combat it effectively is the only solution. Dandruff is the name given to the shedding of skin on the scalp, and appears as white flakes in the hair causing discomfort. Although our skin sheds dead cells and renews itself every fortnight, the word dandruff refers to the unsightly shedding of dead skin which is known to be caused by a fungus. The common symptoms are itchy scalp and white flakes visible in the hair and surface when you scratch.
Dandruff is usually two fungi, Malassezia Furfur and Pityrosporum ovale, that reside in the human body. The fungus sometimes creates an imbalance, so that the renewal of skin cells leads to an overload of dead cells being shed. Most of the dandruff shampoos which claim to reduce dandruff contain Zinc Pyrithione and Nizoral. However, the more chemical you apply to your skin, the more the chances of an adverse reaction increase. In the case of an allergic reaction, consider trying out natural and herb based shampoos, which can contain the growth of dandruff.
You will need to wash your hair very frequently with these highly chemical based shampoos to curb the spread of these fungi. The main function of anti dandruff shampoos is to wash away and remove the dead skin cells faster than they can be shed. This is the only way to keep your scalp healthy and clean. Anti Dandruff shampoos contain strong chemicals which break down oils and contain fungicides to kill the microbial and fungi growth for cleaner hair and a healthier scalp. Lemon, orange, basil, papaya, cloves and other citrus fruits contain astringents that help keep the scalp clear of dead skin.
Applying herb based oils containing Lemon have concentration of anti fungal properties. Lemon oils are used to treat skin allergies which occur due to intense oil production. Lemon has a unique quality of sapping away excess oil which helps to eliminate acne and dandruff. Washing your hair after oiling it well with coconut oil is also known to benefit curbing dandruff. You can also condition your hair using eggs, once a fortnight as egg is known to give a beautiful shine to your hair.
About The Author
Darren Brent writes for the http://www.onestoptreatment.com We provides information on all aspects of finding Hair and Skin Care,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips about Hair and Skin Care in our education center.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7136.shtml
Do you suffer from itchy scalp but embarrassed to scratch in public?
Do you have hair loss while you always have white flakes shedding on your clothes?
You are not alone as there are millions like you who suffer from Dandruff. Understanding what this skin disease is and how to combat it effectively is the only solution. Dandruff is the name given to the shedding of skin on the scalp, and appears as white flakes in the hair causing discomfort. Although our skin sheds dead cells and renews itself every fortnight, the word dandruff refers to the unsightly shedding of dead skin which is known to be caused by a fungus. The common symptoms are itchy scalp and white flakes visible in the hair and surface when you scratch.
Dandruff is usually two fungi, Malassezia Furfur and Pityrosporum ovale, that reside in the human body. The fungus sometimes creates an imbalance, so that the renewal of skin cells leads to an overload of dead cells being shed. Most of the dandruff shampoos which claim to reduce dandruff contain Zinc Pyrithione and Nizoral. However, the more chemical you apply to your skin, the more the chances of an adverse reaction increase. In the case of an allergic reaction, consider trying out natural and herb based shampoos, which can contain the growth of dandruff.
You will need to wash your hair very frequently with these highly chemical based shampoos to curb the spread of these fungi. The main function of anti dandruff shampoos is to wash away and remove the dead skin cells faster than they can be shed. This is the only way to keep your scalp healthy and clean. Anti Dandruff shampoos contain strong chemicals which break down oils and contain fungicides to kill the microbial and fungi growth for cleaner hair and a healthier scalp. Lemon, orange, basil, papaya, cloves and other citrus fruits contain astringents that help keep the scalp clear of dead skin.
Applying herb based oils containing Lemon have concentration of anti fungal properties. Lemon oils are used to treat skin allergies which occur due to intense oil production. Lemon has a unique quality of sapping away excess oil which helps to eliminate acne and dandruff. Washing your hair after oiling it well with coconut oil is also known to benefit curbing dandruff. You can also condition your hair using eggs, once a fortnight as egg is known to give a beautiful shine to your hair.
About The Author
Darren Brent writes for the http://www.onestoptreatment.com We provides information on all aspects of finding Hair and Skin Care,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips about Hair and Skin Care in our education center.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7136.shtml
Unfold the Secret - Learn About Essential Oils
by: Darren Brent
Aromatherapy is an ancient science of using aromas to treat a patient who might be suffering from any kind of disease. Not only do the aromas of plants and herbs used effectively to cure and relaxes a person, it affects a portion of the brain which is highly receptive to olfactory nerves, stimulating relaxation and providing stress relief. Essential oils are the core of the science of aromatherapy, which provides base for this fragrant treatment. Aromatherapy uses essential oils, that everyone knows commonly but do you actually know what essential oils actually are?
Essential oils are extracted from various plants using steam or water of leaves, roots, the stem, bark, flowers and all parts of the trees are used effectively. Distilled essential oils are known to be transparent and clear but some are colored.
Aromatherapy uses blend of oils which are available, and may work better than simply using single aromatic oils. Aromatherapy works with essential oils as vaporization of these oils creates different moods and can produce a beautiful ambience, along with releasing a soothing fragrance which fills your soul. The right way to vaporize aromatherapy oils is to use oil burners, light bulb rings and aroma stone vaporizers. However, essential oils which are derived from orange, lemon, tangerine, lemongrass and patchouli are yellow in color. These oils are volatile, concentrated and usually come in small bottle but as they evaporate easily, leaving no oily residue which is also an indication of purity and should be kept tightly closed.
For skin care benefits, apply the oils after diluting them in almond oil or olive oil or other pure natural oil bases. Essential oils are real blessing to our health and skin care regimen as their application is known to be highly beneficial in medical conditions also.
You might be wondering as to where and how to purchase these oils?
Although these are available in health stores while you can also purchase them over the counter in many drug stores. When purchasing these oils, be careful to buy only the highest quality products. Essential oil prices vary depending on availability and quality as the product is fixed on the basis of country of origin, quality standardization of distilment and the amount of oil derived from the plant. Essential oils will be priced very steep in comparison with the artificially manufactured oils.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7137.shtml
Aromatherapy is an ancient science of using aromas to treat a patient who might be suffering from any kind of disease. Not only do the aromas of plants and herbs used effectively to cure and relaxes a person, it affects a portion of the brain which is highly receptive to olfactory nerves, stimulating relaxation and providing stress relief. Essential oils are the core of the science of aromatherapy, which provides base for this fragrant treatment. Aromatherapy uses essential oils, that everyone knows commonly but do you actually know what essential oils actually are?
Essential oils are extracted from various plants using steam or water of leaves, roots, the stem, bark, flowers and all parts of the trees are used effectively. Distilled essential oils are known to be transparent and clear but some are colored.
Aromatherapy uses blend of oils which are available, and may work better than simply using single aromatic oils. Aromatherapy works with essential oils as vaporization of these oils creates different moods and can produce a beautiful ambience, along with releasing a soothing fragrance which fills your soul. The right way to vaporize aromatherapy oils is to use oil burners, light bulb rings and aroma stone vaporizers. However, essential oils which are derived from orange, lemon, tangerine, lemongrass and patchouli are yellow in color. These oils are volatile, concentrated and usually come in small bottle but as they evaporate easily, leaving no oily residue which is also an indication of purity and should be kept tightly closed.
For skin care benefits, apply the oils after diluting them in almond oil or olive oil or other pure natural oil bases. Essential oils are real blessing to our health and skin care regimen as their application is known to be highly beneficial in medical conditions also.
You might be wondering as to where and how to purchase these oils?
Although these are available in health stores while you can also purchase them over the counter in many drug stores. When purchasing these oils, be careful to buy only the highest quality products. Essential oil prices vary depending on availability and quality as the product is fixed on the basis of country of origin, quality standardization of distilment and the amount of oil derived from the plant. Essential oils will be priced very steep in comparison with the artificially manufactured oils.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7137.shtml
Fantastic Method to Eliminate Cellulite!
by: Darren Brent
Contrary to popular myth that cellulite is irreversible, cellulite can be removed!
However, you need to have an effective treatment as cellulite is a build up of several years and is not an overnight accumulation. It is the improper distribution of fat which is joined to the connective tissues in the body. The connective tissues are those which help n the distribution of fat below the skin surface and sometimes due to accumulation of toxins in the body, uneven distribution takes place leading to cellulite or lumping. You need not be obese to have cellulite, as even models are known to suffer from it!
It has a drastic effect on your self esteem and especially in the summer months you feel embarrassed wearing short skirts and minis. However, it not restricted to women as equal number of men suffer from it. Cellulite accumulates usually on the buttocks, things and hips which makes it unsightly when you need to wear a swimsuit.
Accumulation of toxins is one of the biggest reasons for cellulite formation as built in toxins hinder proper blood circulation. You must be wondering as to what you eat to accumulate so many toxins- well, think about all the preservatives, alcohol consumption, smoking, colors and artificial flavors all contribute to some extent for the toxin built up in the body. Improper drinking of water becomes the last straw.
To completely flush out toxins, one must drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water which goes a long way to eliminate cellulite also as all of these are inter connected. Proper exercise and inclusion of fresh fruits and vegetable also helps. With research and study, many herbal creams and oils are now available which help in smoothening out the skin. The orange peel look is attributed to lumping up of fat cells under the thin layer of the skin. Effective remedies help in breaking the fat cells accumulations while walking, leg squats, leg exercises also help in proper blood circulation. A rejuvenating massage is also a good idea to reduce the cellulite lumps as massage helps to increase blood circulation and breaks muscle, fat lumps in the body.
There are many anti-cellulite creams, essential oils and lotions available which are known to be effective in curing cellulite completely. However, left alone cellulite creams will not be effective unless you exercise and increase blood circulation in the body but it can definitely go away, is a fact.
About The Author
Darren Brent writes for the http://www.onestoptreatment.com. We provide information on all aspects of finding Essential Oils,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips about Essential Oils in our education center.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7140.shtml
Contrary to popular myth that cellulite is irreversible, cellulite can be removed!
However, you need to have an effective treatment as cellulite is a build up of several years and is not an overnight accumulation. It is the improper distribution of fat which is joined to the connective tissues in the body. The connective tissues are those which help n the distribution of fat below the skin surface and sometimes due to accumulation of toxins in the body, uneven distribution takes place leading to cellulite or lumping. You need not be obese to have cellulite, as even models are known to suffer from it!
It has a drastic effect on your self esteem and especially in the summer months you feel embarrassed wearing short skirts and minis. However, it not restricted to women as equal number of men suffer from it. Cellulite accumulates usually on the buttocks, things and hips which makes it unsightly when you need to wear a swimsuit.
Accumulation of toxins is one of the biggest reasons for cellulite formation as built in toxins hinder proper blood circulation. You must be wondering as to what you eat to accumulate so many toxins- well, think about all the preservatives, alcohol consumption, smoking, colors and artificial flavors all contribute to some extent for the toxin built up in the body. Improper drinking of water becomes the last straw.
To completely flush out toxins, one must drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water which goes a long way to eliminate cellulite also as all of these are inter connected. Proper exercise and inclusion of fresh fruits and vegetable also helps. With research and study, many herbal creams and oils are now available which help in smoothening out the skin. The orange peel look is attributed to lumping up of fat cells under the thin layer of the skin. Effective remedies help in breaking the fat cells accumulations while walking, leg squats, leg exercises also help in proper blood circulation. A rejuvenating massage is also a good idea to reduce the cellulite lumps as massage helps to increase blood circulation and breaks muscle, fat lumps in the body.
There are many anti-cellulite creams, essential oils and lotions available which are known to be effective in curing cellulite completely. However, left alone cellulite creams will not be effective unless you exercise and increase blood circulation in the body but it can definitely go away, is a fact.
About The Author
Darren Brent writes for the http://www.onestoptreatment.com. We provide information on all aspects of finding Essential Oils,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips about Essential Oils in our education center.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7140.shtml
Sure Shot Younger Looking Skin Formula!

With big brands spending millions of dollars on advertising, people think that these products will be the best. But have you ever turned over the product and read the list of ingredients and checked each over the internet for the side effects or the harm it can actually cause your skin?
Don't go on the flawless face and lustrous hair of the models advertising these products as half of it is actually digital photography! Think for yourself and learn about organic skin care products. There are many home made creams and secrets that can make you look absolutely fabulous or if you do not have the time to make these concoctions, go in for healthy natural organic skin care products right from moisturizers to face washes and creams to lotions.
Skin is a good absorbent and medically many medicines are introduced into the body with the help of skin especially skin patches. So, if you apply high chemicals infused cosmetics and skin care products, think what you skin is absorbing!
So, why abuse your skin and body - go in for gentle body care products that not only nourish your skin but also help you get flawless beautiful skin with no side effects. Costs may be a little higher than the normal chemical skin care products but after all that shows the quality of the product.
Most herbal and skin acre products have essential oils, which are the real essence and extract of a plant so you have natural fragrances and the benefits of aromatherapy in these products. Your skin will absorb all the qualities of essential oils and become soft, supple and rebuild the elasticity in the skin. Lemon, sage, lavender, chamomile, cedar wood, sandal are few of the essential oils used in skin care products and each has a positive benefit on your health.
There are many reputed stores both near you and online which stock only genuine, organic skin care products. You can be sure of the product quality and your skin type before you buy any product. Choosing what is good for you may become difficult when you see so many products, but get only reputed, good quality organic beauty care products, skin care creams, oils and lotions so that you really find signs of aging eliminated while your skin starts looking fresh, hydrated and beautiful.
Leave the world of chemicals and welcome Nature's bounty and miracles into your life. It is time to say hello to fresh, younger you again!
Different Herbs for Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety disorders are a common problem, affecting approximately 20 million adults and children in America. Anxiety is a common emotion consisting of uncertainty and worry faced by many, whilst anxiety disorders are when such fears are experienced irrationally. There are many treatments available, ranging from medication to therapy and alternative treatments. One treatment is through using natural herbal supplements.
Natural herbs are less costly than medication, and consist of herbs, vitamins and botanicals. They can be taken individually, or with other supplements, but it is best to first consult your doctor before deciding on natural herbs as a treatment for anxiety disorders. They also have the advantage of having no side effects, as compared to medications which can result in side effects such as nausea. Below are some common herbs used in anxiety disorders treatment.
1. Passion Flower
This is a natural plant that is used to treat anxiety, amongst other ailments. Its has unique calming properties, and can also reduce body tremors from fear. It promotes better sleep, and can act as a painkiller. It also contains anti depressants, and is used for high blood pressure and epilepsy.
2. Lavender
This is a more popular alternative than the passion flower, and is also known for its calming properties. It is also one of the more effective treatments for panic attacks, and is a tonic for the nervous system.
3. Lemon Balm
This is used to calm the digestive and nervous system, and also reduces blood pressure. It is uncertain if used alone, lemon balm is effective for treating anxiety attacks. It is usually taken with Valerian, Chamomile or Passion flower.
4. Kava
It is an effective tranquilizer, and whilst it is not an addictive substance, research suggests that it may be linked to liver problems.
5. Valerian
This is another natural plant used for treating anxiety. It also promotes better sleep, allowing for the body to rest and recuperate.
6. Chamomile
Chamomile flower leaves are used to make tea, and is a natural alternative for treating anxiety. It also reduces fever, encourages sleep and enhances the body’s metabolism.
7. Dandelion
The roots and leaves are used to treat the body’s internal systems, and through it, provide relief for some of the symptoms of anxiety. It is commonly used in salads and tea, and can also be used as a substitute for coffee.
There are many natural treatments available, and herbs have been used for treating illnesses for centuries. However, do keep in mind that it is not a quick fix, and can only alleviate the symptoms of anxiety attacks. It is advisable to seek out behavioral or cognitive therapy so as to eliminate the root of the problem causing anxiety attacks.
How Subliminal Messages help you to Lose Weight

Ever found yourself looking at the weighing scales and wishing you could lose weight? And yet, you scoff at diet pills and weight loss programs that have not worked for you. This is your conscious mind at work. Your conscious mind tells you that it is not possible to lose those pounds, and that subliminal CDs to lose weight are a hoax. However, this is not true!
All your previous weight loss attempts have failed because your conscious mind has already decided that they will fail. Hence, subliminal CDs provide you with the key to losing weight, by bypassing the conscious mind that forms judgments and negative thoughts. The subconscious mind is uncritical, and accepts the opinions and ideas that you embed into it, helping to dispel these negative thoughts. With the help of subliminal CDs to inject positive affirmations into your subconscious mind, you will be able to lose weight now.
That is not to say that just by listening to a subliminal CD over and over you will lose weight! The magic behind subliminal CDs goes beyond that. The message that the CD sends out to your subconscious consists of a few different but simple principles which you will find yourself practicing slowly as you listen to the CD as per the instructions on the packaging. This is how it works.
1) Confidence
The subliminal CDs will give you the confidence in yourself to lose weight. By going straight to your subconscious, you are able to eliminate the root of the weight loss problem: your conscious mind. The conscious mind tells you that it is impossible and that you will never lose weight, and hence you never lose those pounds.
2) Eat Right, Exercise More
The subliminal CD will encourage you to exercise more, and eat right. You will find yourself more motivated to visit the gym, instead of merely thinking about it. In other words, the subliminal CD contains positive messages that help you transform your ideas into actions. You will feel your subconscious telling you to get busy and cut down on snacking, and to eat right. All these are knowledge that you already have, but just never put into practice!
3) Drink Water
It is important to drink a lot of water when you’re trying to lose weight. Water acts as a natural cleansing and detox routine, as it flushes out the toxics, fats and calories in your body. This is also a part of the magic of the subliminal CD, which encourages you to drink a healthy amount of water everyday.
Before you know it, you will find yourself avoiding snacks and unhealthy food as your body adjusts to take in only the amount of food that is necessary. This is not magic, it is simply the power of your subconscious mind being harnessed to overcome the negative thoughts that your conscious mind produces!

Before you go on any diet you really need to ask yourself the following questions:
- do I really need to go on a diet, or do I just need to be a little more disciplined about my eating habits? - would doing the minimum extra regular workouts make more sense than not working-out at all, but eating less? - If I go on a diet, is my body going to be receiving sufficient minerals and vitamins to sustain itself?
Here's why all the questions.
Large numbers of people go on diets that don’t really need to do so, they are doing so simply to comply with some warped belief that the world expects everyone to look thin.
In fact, it could be quite counter-productive to go on a diet, if your body is not going to be receiving its required vitamins and mineral intake to replace those naturally lost during the day.
As a result of the above, before you decide to go on any diet, you might benefit from knowing that the most successful people at losing weight are not necessarily those who go on crash diets, but more likely those who increase (or start) their regular exercise program and eat more healthy meals a day.
However, if you are thinking of embarking on a diet, don’t risk doing so and risking further harm to your body without making sure you take vitamin and mineral supplements to replace those lost during a normal day.
So with that in mind, what diet plan you choose will ultimately end up either making or breaking your results...
So let's find out what kinds of diets MOST people are familiar with, and why the "MAINSTREAM" diets or fat loss diets aren't always the best choice.
What I mean by that is your typical dieting system or plan boils down to these three styles of diets:
-low fat diets -low carbohydrate diets -low calorie diets
Up first:
"Low Fat Diets"
Here's a good example of why low fat diets don't always forward you the results your hoping for and why you may need to consider an alternative dieting system.
Low fat diets have been in the mainstream for a really long time but if you look statistically speaking, more and more people in our society are getting more overweight year by year. With that fact alone it should tell you that just a low fat diet is not going to be the answer or end all be all to your weight loss issues. Why it's definitely not a bad start, consuming a purely low fat diet is not the answer to your weight loss concerns.
Up Second:
"Low Calorie Diets"
Trying to lose weight using a Low Calorie Diet STRUCTURED Plan is a sure fire way of failing even quicker than using a low fat diet plan. The problem with using a low calorie diet in and of itself is that you will do your body more harm than good. Simply stated, by using this type of method for weight loss all you’re doing is slowing down your body's fat burning capabilities which destroys all chances of losing weight. (You can lose weight using the low calorie method but all you'll lose is probably a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, after that all weight loss stops --- this is known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by not eating and starving yourself.
Last but not least…
"Low Carbohydrate diets":
Although the popularity of the Low Carb diet has definitely hit the mainstream of dieting fads at super warp speed this is probably one of the HARDEST ways of trying to lose weight. The problem with Low Carb diets are that they are to regimented and tough to follow for the average dieter. As well they tend to deplete your system or body of too much energy (carbs) which in essence makes it almost impossible to stick with that type of plan for any length of time. Hence, another failed attempt.
So where do you go from here?
There's one system I have been fortunate enough to discover that has been working for me just fine.
It incorporates a structured balance between dieting and real world living.
In other words let’s face it, dieting is no easy chore. But if you want to get ahead of the curve (no pun intended) you need a system that you can incorporate into your everyday lifestyle and still be able to achieve the results you want. As well without wanting to strangle the poor bastard in the cubicle next to you for doing absolutely nothing just cause you’re so irritable because you’re STARVING TO DEATH!
And you definitely don’t need some fluffed up un-achievable, un-realistic diet plan system that has you starving all day long and is no way intended for you to succeed. In actuality the only thing it EVER succeeded in doing was costing you money and making you a complete train wreck for the short period of time (hopefully for everyone around you) that you were on it. (Oh yeah, it also makes the fat cat shareholders at these big dieting corporations a lot more richer too!)
If you want a personal recommendation for discovering a diet plan that works, that is TOTALLY REALISTIC and ACHEIVABLE and doesn’t make you the FBI’s most dangerous (for irritability) check out fat loss for idiots dieting system. I’ve personally tested this product and I can say that without a doubt it makes more sense to me than any other plan I’ve attempted or read about thus far to date.
What I liked the most about fat loss for idiots is it’s straight forward no B.S. style weight loss strategies about getting back to a healthier you and stop wasting time on every diet plan out there (not to mention your money) and to stay focused, take action and make it happen.
It’s a real world solution for a real world problem.
So if you're ready to discover The ”Ten Idiot Proof Rules” to Dieting and Fat Loss, and you’re ready to find a perfect Dieting Method for losing 9lbs. every 11 days. Then you need to unveil a True Powerful System that will change the way you think about eating. I recommend and encourage you to visit this webpage and learn everything you’ll ever need to know about losing weight and keeping it off once and for all!
Quite honestly, if you’ve ever even considered wanting to lose weight in this Lifetime than you need to go here now and see for yourself what Fat Loss For Idiots can do for your life and you’re health
- do I really need to go on a diet, or do I just need to be a little more disciplined about my eating habits? - would doing the minimum extra regular workouts make more sense than not working-out at all, but eating less? - If I go on a diet, is my body going to be receiving sufficient minerals and vitamins to sustain itself?
Here's why all the questions.
Large numbers of people go on diets that don’t really need to do so, they are doing so simply to comply with some warped belief that the world expects everyone to look thin.
In fact, it could be quite counter-productive to go on a diet, if your body is not going to be receiving its required vitamins and mineral intake to replace those naturally lost during the day.
As a result of the above, before you decide to go on any diet, you might benefit from knowing that the most successful people at losing weight are not necessarily those who go on crash diets, but more likely those who increase (or start) their regular exercise program and eat more healthy meals a day.
However, if you are thinking of embarking on a diet, don’t risk doing so and risking further harm to your body without making sure you take vitamin and mineral supplements to replace those lost during a normal day.
So with that in mind, what diet plan you choose will ultimately end up either making or breaking your results...
So let's find out what kinds of diets MOST people are familiar with, and why the "MAINSTREAM" diets or fat loss diets aren't always the best choice.
What I mean by that is your typical dieting system or plan boils down to these three styles of diets:
-low fat diets -low carbohydrate diets -low calorie diets
Up first:
"Low Fat Diets"
Here's a good example of why low fat diets don't always forward you the results your hoping for and why you may need to consider an alternative dieting system.
Low fat diets have been in the mainstream for a really long time but if you look statistically speaking, more and more people in our society are getting more overweight year by year. With that fact alone it should tell you that just a low fat diet is not going to be the answer or end all be all to your weight loss issues. Why it's definitely not a bad start, consuming a purely low fat diet is not the answer to your weight loss concerns.
Up Second:
"Low Calorie Diets"
Trying to lose weight using a Low Calorie Diet STRUCTURED Plan is a sure fire way of failing even quicker than using a low fat diet plan. The problem with using a low calorie diet in and of itself is that you will do your body more harm than good. Simply stated, by using this type of method for weight loss all you’re doing is slowing down your body's fat burning capabilities which destroys all chances of losing weight. (You can lose weight using the low calorie method but all you'll lose is probably a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, after that all weight loss stops --- this is known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by not eating and starving yourself.
Last but not least…
"Low Carbohydrate diets":
Although the popularity of the Low Carb diet has definitely hit the mainstream of dieting fads at super warp speed this is probably one of the HARDEST ways of trying to lose weight. The problem with Low Carb diets are that they are to regimented and tough to follow for the average dieter. As well they tend to deplete your system or body of too much energy (carbs) which in essence makes it almost impossible to stick with that type of plan for any length of time. Hence, another failed attempt.
So where do you go from here?
There's one system I have been fortunate enough to discover that has been working for me just fine.
It incorporates a structured balance between dieting and real world living.
In other words let’s face it, dieting is no easy chore. But if you want to get ahead of the curve (no pun intended) you need a system that you can incorporate into your everyday lifestyle and still be able to achieve the results you want. As well without wanting to strangle the poor bastard in the cubicle next to you for doing absolutely nothing just cause you’re so irritable because you’re STARVING TO DEATH!
And you definitely don’t need some fluffed up un-achievable, un-realistic diet plan system that has you starving all day long and is no way intended for you to succeed. In actuality the only thing it EVER succeeded in doing was costing you money and making you a complete train wreck for the short period of time (hopefully for everyone around you) that you were on it. (Oh yeah, it also makes the fat cat shareholders at these big dieting corporations a lot more richer too!)
If you want a personal recommendation for discovering a diet plan that works, that is TOTALLY REALISTIC and ACHEIVABLE and doesn’t make you the FBI’s most dangerous (for irritability) check out fat loss for idiots dieting system. I’ve personally tested this product and I can say that without a doubt it makes more sense to me than any other plan I’ve attempted or read about thus far to date.
What I liked the most about fat loss for idiots is it’s straight forward no B.S. style weight loss strategies about getting back to a healthier you and stop wasting time on every diet plan out there (not to mention your money) and to stay focused, take action and make it happen.
It’s a real world solution for a real world problem.
So if you're ready to discover The ”Ten Idiot Proof Rules” to Dieting and Fat Loss, and you’re ready to find a perfect Dieting Method for losing 9lbs. every 11 days. Then you need to unveil a True Powerful System that will change the way you think about eating. I recommend and encourage you to visit this webpage and learn everything you’ll ever need to know about losing weight and keeping it off once and for all!
Quite honestly, if you’ve ever even considered wanting to lose weight in this Lifetime than you need to go here now and see for yourself what Fat Loss For Idiots can do for your life and you’re health

It’s an epidemic problem -- and you could have it.
Low thyroid function affects more than 30 million women and 15 million men. And it can lead to problems losing weight; decreased sex drive; depression; anxiety; thinning hair; and poor quality, thick, cracked fingernails.
So what’s responsible for low thyroid function and why are so many people affected?
Chronic thyroid problems can be caused by many factors, including environmental toxins such as pesticides, which act as hormone or endocrine disruptor\'s and interfere with thyroid hormone metabolism and function.
In one study, people released pesticides from their fat tissue as they lost weight.
This interfered with their thyroid function and caused hypothyroidism. The toxins slowed metabolism and prevented them from losing more weight.
This study is significant, because it shows exactly how toxins interfere with thyroid function.
Heavy metals such as mercury can also affect thyroid function. I see many people with chronic hypothyroidism and other thyroid problems because mercury interferes with normal thyroid function.
The other big factor that interferes with thyroid function is chronic stress. The more stress you are under, the worse your thyroid functions. Correcting poor thyroid function must address the effects of chronic stress and provide support to the adrenal glands.
The next major factor that affects thyroid function is chronic inflammation. The biggest source of this chronic inflammation is gluten, the protein found in wheat, barely, rye, spelt, and oats. This common allergen affects about 10 to 20 percent of the population. This reaction occurs mostly because of our damaged guts, poor diet, and stress.
I also think eating so-called Frankenfoods, such as hybridized and genetically modified grains with very strange proteins, makes us sick.
Our bodies don’t recognize these foods and create antibodies to fight them. This chronic inflammatory response interferes with thyroid function -- and contributes to the epidemic of inflammatory diseases in the developed world.
Lastly, nutritional deficiencies play a big role in thyroid dysfunction. These include deficiencies of iodine, vitamin D, omega-3 fats, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, and the B vitamins.
There are so many reasons for low thyroid function, yet conventional doctors tend to ignore them.
One young female patient of mine had more than 30 percent body fat and was unable to change her body, no matter how hard she worked. She ate perfectly, exercised with a trainer every day -- and her body still wouldn’t budge.
She also had a slightly depressed mood and other vague symptoms.
So I treated her with a low dose of Armour Thyroid, which is a natural thyroid replacement.
What happened?
Well, she not only lost 20 pounds and improved her body composition, but her mood improved and all her other symptoms went away.
I knew she had low thyroid function because I did the right tests.
Most doctors just check something called the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which doesn’t give a full picture of the thyroid. In fact, even the interpretation of this test is incorrect most of the time.
The newer guidelines of the American College of Endocrinology consider anybody with a TSH level over 3.0 as hypothyroid. Most doctors think that only anything greater than 5 or 10 is worth treating.
Unfortunately, this leaves millions suffering unnecessarily.
Other tests, including those for free T3, free T4, and thyroid antibodies, are essential.
I also look for associated problems such as gluten intolerance, food allergies, and heavy metals, as well as deficiencies of vitamin D, selenium, vitamin A, zinc, and omega-3 fats.
Low thyroid function is one of the most common problems I see, and treating it properly makes one of the biggest differences in my patients’ quality of life.
Unfortunately, by using the old guidelines and thinking, conventional medicine misses millions who suffer with hypothyroidism.
In fact, in one study, researchers tested everybody who walked through the gates of a county fair with conventional thyroid testing. They found that according to even conservative conventional standards, half of all the people who had hypothyroidism were undiagnosed, untreated, and suffering.
Once you have confirmed that a sluggish thyroid is contributing to your symptoms, the good news is that there are many, many, many things you can do to help correct thyroid problems.
I have developed a seven-step plan to address hypothyroidism:
1. Identify and treat the underlying causes of hypothyroidism, like food allergies, gluten, heavy metals, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.
2. Support your thyroid with optimal nutrition, including foods that contain iodine, zinc, omega-3 fats, selenium, and more.
3. Eliminate adrenal exhaustion and minimize stress by engaging in a comprehensive stress management program.
4. Engage in thyroid stimulating exercise, which boosts thyroid function.
5. Use supplements to help enhance thyroid function, including all the nutrients needed for proper thyroid metabolism and function.
6. Use saunas and heat to eliminate stored toxins, which interfere with thyroid function.
7. Use thyroid hormone replacement therapy to help support your thyroid gland.
I believe a comprehensive approach is needed to address chronic thyroid issues and to diagnose them. Most of the options for healing by conventional care are quite limited and only provide a partial solution. But by following my seven-step plan you can achieve optimal health and UltraWellness.
Low thyroid function affects more than 30 million women and 15 million men. And it can lead to problems losing weight; decreased sex drive; depression; anxiety; thinning hair; and poor quality, thick, cracked fingernails.
So what’s responsible for low thyroid function and why are so many people affected?
Chronic thyroid problems can be caused by many factors, including environmental toxins such as pesticides, which act as hormone or endocrine disruptor\'s and interfere with thyroid hormone metabolism and function.
In one study, people released pesticides from their fat tissue as they lost weight.
This interfered with their thyroid function and caused hypothyroidism. The toxins slowed metabolism and prevented them from losing more weight.
This study is significant, because it shows exactly how toxins interfere with thyroid function.
Heavy metals such as mercury can also affect thyroid function. I see many people with chronic hypothyroidism and other thyroid problems because mercury interferes with normal thyroid function.
The other big factor that interferes with thyroid function is chronic stress. The more stress you are under, the worse your thyroid functions. Correcting poor thyroid function must address the effects of chronic stress and provide support to the adrenal glands.
The next major factor that affects thyroid function is chronic inflammation. The biggest source of this chronic inflammation is gluten, the protein found in wheat, barely, rye, spelt, and oats. This common allergen affects about 10 to 20 percent of the population. This reaction occurs mostly because of our damaged guts, poor diet, and stress.
I also think eating so-called Frankenfoods, such as hybridized and genetically modified grains with very strange proteins, makes us sick.
Our bodies don’t recognize these foods and create antibodies to fight them. This chronic inflammatory response interferes with thyroid function -- and contributes to the epidemic of inflammatory diseases in the developed world.
Lastly, nutritional deficiencies play a big role in thyroid dysfunction. These include deficiencies of iodine, vitamin D, omega-3 fats, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, and the B vitamins.
There are so many reasons for low thyroid function, yet conventional doctors tend to ignore them.
One young female patient of mine had more than 30 percent body fat and was unable to change her body, no matter how hard she worked. She ate perfectly, exercised with a trainer every day -- and her body still wouldn’t budge.
She also had a slightly depressed mood and other vague symptoms.
So I treated her with a low dose of Armour Thyroid, which is a natural thyroid replacement.
What happened?
Well, she not only lost 20 pounds and improved her body composition, but her mood improved and all her other symptoms went away.
I knew she had low thyroid function because I did the right tests.
Most doctors just check something called the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which doesn’t give a full picture of the thyroid. In fact, even the interpretation of this test is incorrect most of the time.
The newer guidelines of the American College of Endocrinology consider anybody with a TSH level over 3.0 as hypothyroid. Most doctors think that only anything greater than 5 or 10 is worth treating.
Unfortunately, this leaves millions suffering unnecessarily.
Other tests, including those for free T3, free T4, and thyroid antibodies, are essential.
I also look for associated problems such as gluten intolerance, food allergies, and heavy metals, as well as deficiencies of vitamin D, selenium, vitamin A, zinc, and omega-3 fats.
Low thyroid function is one of the most common problems I see, and treating it properly makes one of the biggest differences in my patients’ quality of life.
Unfortunately, by using the old guidelines and thinking, conventional medicine misses millions who suffer with hypothyroidism.
In fact, in one study, researchers tested everybody who walked through the gates of a county fair with conventional thyroid testing. They found that according to even conservative conventional standards, half of all the people who had hypothyroidism were undiagnosed, untreated, and suffering.
Once you have confirmed that a sluggish thyroid is contributing to your symptoms, the good news is that there are many, many, many things you can do to help correct thyroid problems.
I have developed a seven-step plan to address hypothyroidism:
1. Identify and treat the underlying causes of hypothyroidism, like food allergies, gluten, heavy metals, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.
2. Support your thyroid with optimal nutrition, including foods that contain iodine, zinc, omega-3 fats, selenium, and more.
3. Eliminate adrenal exhaustion and minimize stress by engaging in a comprehensive stress management program.
4. Engage in thyroid stimulating exercise, which boosts thyroid function.
5. Use supplements to help enhance thyroid function, including all the nutrients needed for proper thyroid metabolism and function.
6. Use saunas and heat to eliminate stored toxins, which interfere with thyroid function.
7. Use thyroid hormone replacement therapy to help support your thyroid gland.
I believe a comprehensive approach is needed to address chronic thyroid issues and to diagnose them. Most of the options for healing by conventional care are quite limited and only provide a partial solution. But by following my seven-step plan you can achieve optimal health and UltraWellness.

In the western medicine world, we have lost touch with the basic concept of true healing. We substitute a band-aid for a cure and wonder why we don't feel better. People get ill for many reasons. Each diseased state tells us that we are ignoring some part of self, and change is necessary. While many factors contribute to healing, and it happens on many levels, all require attention throughout the entire healing practice. Ignoring the body-mind (emotions and thoughts) would not provide adequate and long-term good health.
Physical symptoms like headaches, swollen glands, sneezing and colds, including more serious diseases like cancer, communicate that there is a disturbance in the emotional fabric of our being. Negative emotions like fear, doubt and worry stop the normal flow of energy. These emotions undermine us, and over the course of our lives cause unexplained and crippling diseases that end up controlling us.
The physical body falls apart because we fall apart emotionally. Recent scientific studies have shown that emotions sabotage everything—from simple success to kidney failure. When we don't care for the "whole self," the physical body simply mirrors those effects. Over the course of time, emotions like fear, anger and confusion take their toll. Repressed anger diminishes the functions of the liver. Hopelessness and despair play havoc with the gall bladder. Fear plays havoc with the kidneys, relationships and success. Confusion on the other hand, keeps whirling thoughts spinning, creating a cloud of chaos around us and we become imbalanced and ungrounded. Head colds for instance, are a direct result of emotional confusion. Long-standing negative emotional beliefs deteriorate the entire physical being. A constant string of repetitive negative words weaken and actually exhaust the physical body.
To heal we must feel. We must identify the root emotional cause of the disease. This process lays down a new foundation for good health and begins with a new attitude about being healthy. Any negative emotion causes us to stay stuck in a false perception about our self.
How do we identify negative emotions? The easiest way to identify negative patterns is to see them in family members and friends. Examine other people's behaviors. Notice all the things you like about them and all the things you don't like, especially the things that make you angry, envious or jealous. The people around you are actually reflections of you. What you see in another person that bothers you or angers you is a part of yourself that has not yet been loved and healed. Begin by criticizing your dearest friends. By doing this practice of looking at the faults of friends and family you get in touch with the parts of you that are out of balance and seek healing. This simple exercise offers you an opportunity to look deeply at your own emotional concerns and patterns. Once you locate personal limitation it's time for change.
Emotional patterns are created when you place a judgment upon an experience. To change, we must stay conscious of our feelings in situations. Stay calm, make no judgment—simply feel the energy. For example, let's take anger because anger is one of the most profound emotions and is easily felt. Imagine yourself in an angry situation; stay completely present and deeply feel the anger. Don't judge it—simply feel it. Now, love the feeling that anger produces. Anger can be motivation. It can be passionate. Change the negative charge that anger produces; begin to embrace and love the feeling of anger instead of repelling it.
Next begin to dialogue with the anger. Yes, that is correct, strike up a conversation with anger. Ask it questions like, "What are you teaching me?" or "Why am I so angry all the time?" Permit the answers to come into your conscious mind. As they do, you realize what the true issue is. Sometimes in that moment of realization the anger pattern can release. Other times it might take a few more conversations for the anger to release. This method allows the energy constriction caused by anger and other emotions to release. Any blocked energy begins to flow giving the physical body a chance to heal.
Even though healing begins with the emotions, the physical body must be strong enough to support the emotional body.
Supplements: Supplementation is important because food chemicals, pesticides and a hurried lifestyle play havoc on our systems. Take no more than five different supplements daily. I prefer liquids including Green-Magma and other green drinks. If you don't feel immediate results, they are not working.
Water: Only 5% of the American population gets sufficient water each day. Diet drinks, high corn-syrup drinks and coffee do not count towards proper hydration; in fact these drinks cause gastrointestinal inflammation, kidney and liver problems and an acidic environment. To properly hydrate drink at least half of your body weight in purified water by the ounce each day. For example if you weight 150 lbs. you need 75 ounces of purified water daily. Exercise: The number one killer today is a stagnant lymph system caused by a lack of exercise. Take a walk around the block or take a yoga, chi-kung or Pilate's class.
Physical symptoms like headaches, swollen glands, sneezing and colds, including more serious diseases like cancer, communicate that there is a disturbance in the emotional fabric of our being. Negative emotions like fear, doubt and worry stop the normal flow of energy. These emotions undermine us, and over the course of our lives cause unexplained and crippling diseases that end up controlling us.
The physical body falls apart because we fall apart emotionally. Recent scientific studies have shown that emotions sabotage everything—from simple success to kidney failure. When we don't care for the "whole self," the physical body simply mirrors those effects. Over the course of time, emotions like fear, anger and confusion take their toll. Repressed anger diminishes the functions of the liver. Hopelessness and despair play havoc with the gall bladder. Fear plays havoc with the kidneys, relationships and success. Confusion on the other hand, keeps whirling thoughts spinning, creating a cloud of chaos around us and we become imbalanced and ungrounded. Head colds for instance, are a direct result of emotional confusion. Long-standing negative emotional beliefs deteriorate the entire physical being. A constant string of repetitive negative words weaken and actually exhaust the physical body.
To heal we must feel. We must identify the root emotional cause of the disease. This process lays down a new foundation for good health and begins with a new attitude about being healthy. Any negative emotion causes us to stay stuck in a false perception about our self.
How do we identify negative emotions? The easiest way to identify negative patterns is to see them in family members and friends. Examine other people's behaviors. Notice all the things you like about them and all the things you don't like, especially the things that make you angry, envious or jealous. The people around you are actually reflections of you. What you see in another person that bothers you or angers you is a part of yourself that has not yet been loved and healed. Begin by criticizing your dearest friends. By doing this practice of looking at the faults of friends and family you get in touch with the parts of you that are out of balance and seek healing. This simple exercise offers you an opportunity to look deeply at your own emotional concerns and patterns. Once you locate personal limitation it's time for change.
Emotional patterns are created when you place a judgment upon an experience. To change, we must stay conscious of our feelings in situations. Stay calm, make no judgment—simply feel the energy. For example, let's take anger because anger is one of the most profound emotions and is easily felt. Imagine yourself in an angry situation; stay completely present and deeply feel the anger. Don't judge it—simply feel it. Now, love the feeling that anger produces. Anger can be motivation. It can be passionate. Change the negative charge that anger produces; begin to embrace and love the feeling of anger instead of repelling it.
Next begin to dialogue with the anger. Yes, that is correct, strike up a conversation with anger. Ask it questions like, "What are you teaching me?" or "Why am I so angry all the time?" Permit the answers to come into your conscious mind. As they do, you realize what the true issue is. Sometimes in that moment of realization the anger pattern can release. Other times it might take a few more conversations for the anger to release. This method allows the energy constriction caused by anger and other emotions to release. Any blocked energy begins to flow giving the physical body a chance to heal.
Even though healing begins with the emotions, the physical body must be strong enough to support the emotional body.
Supplements: Supplementation is important because food chemicals, pesticides and a hurried lifestyle play havoc on our systems. Take no more than five different supplements daily. I prefer liquids including Green-Magma and other green drinks. If you don't feel immediate results, they are not working.
Water: Only 5% of the American population gets sufficient water each day. Diet drinks, high corn-syrup drinks and coffee do not count towards proper hydration; in fact these drinks cause gastrointestinal inflammation, kidney and liver problems and an acidic environment. To properly hydrate drink at least half of your body weight in purified water by the ounce each day. For example if you weight 150 lbs. you need 75 ounces of purified water daily. Exercise: The number one killer today is a stagnant lymph system caused by a lack of exercise. Take a walk around the block or take a yoga, chi-kung or Pilate's class.
Top 10 Reasons Why you should NOT "go" on a Diet

The only thing growing faster than the $65 billion diet industry is the American waistline. If one of your New Years resolutions was to Go on a Diet, the only place I guarantee you will go....is up in weight.
It's a Fact - Diets will only make you fatter.
When it comes to the latest in Diet fads, we are quite gullible and easily tempted by a Diet's empty promised. Reason being....the diet industry KNOWS we are in search of the "quick fix" and will only play with our emotions - our desperation for the quickest way to relieve looking and feeling fat.
Diets are nothing more than Temporary Solutions with many lingering, negative side effects.
Here are the Top 10 Reasons Why you should NOT "go" on a Diet
1. Diets do NOT work.
Diets have a 99% Failure Rate. Have you noticed a pattern yet? Lose weight....quickly regain it? Over time, studies show if you diet you are more likely to be overweight than people who eat normally and make small gradual changes to their lifestyle. No, the Law of Averages does not apply to this faulty system.
2. Dieting can be Dangerous.
Any time you severely restrict the amount or types of foods you eat you put your health and life at risk. Dieting has been related to injuries and sudden deaths from electrolyte imbalance, malnutrition, and heart arrhythmia's. Weight cycling, or yo-yo-ing weight, is associated with higher death rates - especially if some type of pills are being used. At no point should you ever place weight loss above your health.
3. Dieting Destroys your Metabolism.
Diets will cause your weight to quickly cycle up and down. Sure, you may lose weight quickly because you are simply not eating enough. In the initial stages, the first seven to nine pounds lost are water, presenting a real danger of dehydration and mineral deficiencies. Even more terrifying ins the break down of lean muscle due to inefficient nutrients and calories. If you are losing more than 3-4 pounds a week, you can be sure this is what is happening - very little fat is lost this state.
Now, any muscle loss will cause your metabolism slow to a crawl. The cumulative effect takes place for you cannot survive very long on very low calories (1200 or less) and you will eventually eat more - on top of a slower metabolism. All those excess calories will be stored as fat - causing rapid weight gain.
4. Dieting is Exhausting.
Diets are just reduced calorie Fads disguised by a clever gimmick. "Lose weight while you sleep" "Eat all you want and still lose weight" Not eating enough or cutting out certain food groups means your body may not be getting the energy it needs, or may lack certain nutrients. You will feel exhausted, light headed and experience some not-so-fun mood swings.
5. Dieting is Disruptive.
Dieting negatively affects your normal eating patterns. Diets can lead to binge eating, overeating and chaotic eating. When you diet, it is common to override your internal signals telling you to eat. You end up trying to use willpower or resist hunger signals and may even go as far as taking appetite suppressants. This results in being unable to know when you really are hungry or wore....when you're full.
6. Dieting can lead to eating disorders.
Experts state that the high rates of eating disorders in the U.S. are due in part to people dieting, losing weight, rebounding, and becoming chronic dieters.
7. Dieting Causes Food Obsessions.
If you spend a large amount of time and energy depriving yourself of food or certain types of food - you will spend more time thinking about food and become obsessed attempts to control your weight by what you choose to eat or not eat. How long do you want to live like this?
8. Dieting Diminishes Women.
There is way too much attention focused on our appearance and an arbitrary number on the scale. In the midst of this focus - we end up avoiding what really matters to us - our dreams and ambitions. Even worse, it erodes our confidence and self-respect.
9. Dieting Intensifies Negativity.
If you diet, you are more judgmental and critical of yourself and others. Once again, wasted time and energy.
10. Diets Put Your Life on Hold.
Does this sound familiar...."I'll be happy when I weigh "x pounds." Guess what, the issues in your life are not related to your weight. Take responsibility and take back control of your life. Decide to be happy now and do what it takes to live a lifestyle that reflects your priorities.
So this year resolve to NOT go on a Diet. Set Yourself Free from this miserable, guaranteed to fail weight loss cycle. Do NOT let the diet industry make money by taking advantage of you. It is time to stand up for yourself and take control.
About The Author
Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Busy Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System http://www.fityumymumy.com/ and expert contributor at http://www.efittoday.com She has helped well over 500 Mom's lose the stubborn baby fat and get their pre-baby body back. Don't miss her Free Report: Top 5 Busy Mom Metabolism Boosters.
Why Your Diet May Not Be As Rich In Iodine As You Assume

The trace mineral iodine is well known for its crucial role in enabling the body's manufacture of vital thyroid hormones, but it is also important for the health of the immune system and for optimal brain function. It is widely believed by many authorities that iodine deficiency should never be seen in the affluent West, although this problem affects millions throughout the developed world.
Some nutritionists argue, however, that this conventional view is too optimistic, because the content of all minerals in foods is heavily dependent on the mineral content of the soil from which those foods are derived. The assumption must therefore be that the continuing de-mineralisation of farm soils has led to a reduction in the amount of dietary iodine commonly consumed.
Fish and other seafood, however, remain a relatively rich source because these ocean creatures concentrate the sea's iodine in their flesh. Though not commonly eaten in the West, seaweed, or kelp, is also an excellent source of iodine for this reason, and is readily available in the form of a dietary supplements. Dairy products and certain meats may also be a good source, particularly where iodine is routinely added to farm animal feed. But in countries, including most of Western Europe, where animals are grazing fields growing on iodine depleted soils, levels are likely to be much lower.
So even in the West, those not including fish or seafood in their diets, and not using iodised or sea salt, may be at real risk of deficiency. In an effort to compensate for low levels of dietary iodine, the mineral has been routinely added to ordinary table salt in the US for many years. But the practice is not as common in the UK and other European countries, where specially iodised or natural "sea-salt" has been marketed more as a luxury alternative. The problem of insufficient dietary iodine has been compounded on both sides of the Atlantic, however, by increasing concern about the possible adverse health consequences, particularly high blood pressure, of excessive salt intake. Many nutritionists, however, regard these fears as exaggerated, and believe that any such potential problems are far less serious than the consequences of an insufficiency of iodine, and may be easily resolved by the use of the low sodium salt alternatives available.
Iodine, however, cannot in any case be regarded as a luxury. Its essential function lies in the production of the vital thyroid hormones; thyroxine, sometimes known as T4, and tri-iodothyronine, or T3. And as is well known, these hormones are crucially important in ensuring a healthy metabolic rate and the release of energy from food; so an underactive thyroid gland is commonly the villain in cases of excessive weight gain, particularly where this of sudden onset, and in cases of difficulty in losing weight even when following a sensible reducing programme. A healthy thyroid gland is also crucial for the optimal functioning of the immune system.
But perhaps even more importantly, iodine deficiency is also known as a major cause of avoidable brain damage; a problem which the World Health Organisation has estimated to affect an astonishing 50 million people worldwide. Sadly, many of these cases occur in children whose mothers were iodine deficient in pregnancy, resulting in a condition of severely retarded brain development known as congenital hypothyroidism, or "cretinism". Even where such catastrophic consequences are avoided, iodine deficiency in childhood may also have serious effects on the developing brain, leading to low energy and motivation for learning, and measurable impairment of IQ scores.
Since 2001 the Food and Nutrition Board of the US Institute of Medicine (FNB) has prescribed a Recommended Dietary Allowance for iodine of 150 mcg for all individuals over 14, rising to 220 mcg for pregnant women and 290 mcg for those breastfeeding. Somewhat confusingly, however, an excessive consumption of iodine is also associated with a malfunctioning or enlargement of the thyroid gland, as well as mouth ulcers, headaches and gastric upsets, and the FNB therefore advises an upper safe limit for daily iodine consumption of 1,100 mcg for adults. Most people eating a conventional Western diet are unlikely to exceed this level.
With the possible exception of pregnant and breastfeeding women, people in the West who use liberal quantities of iodised salt as a regular seasoning are unlikely to need further supplements. But many commercial multi-mineral preparations contain iodine in reasonable quantities, usually in the form of potassium iodide, and whilst not perhaps strictly necessary, such supplementary doses will do no harm and may be regarded as a useful insurance policy given that, like all minerals needed by the body, iodine functions best in the presence of adequate supplies of all the others. And it should be particularly noted in this context that the effects of any deficiency of iodine may be intensified by any deficiency of selenium, iron or vitamin A.
Some nutritionists argue, however, that this conventional view is too optimistic, because the content of all minerals in foods is heavily dependent on the mineral content of the soil from which those foods are derived. The assumption must therefore be that the continuing de-mineralisation of farm soils has led to a reduction in the amount of dietary iodine commonly consumed.
Fish and other seafood, however, remain a relatively rich source because these ocean creatures concentrate the sea's iodine in their flesh. Though not commonly eaten in the West, seaweed, or kelp, is also an excellent source of iodine for this reason, and is readily available in the form of a dietary supplements. Dairy products and certain meats may also be a good source, particularly where iodine is routinely added to farm animal feed. But in countries, including most of Western Europe, where animals are grazing fields growing on iodine depleted soils, levels are likely to be much lower.
So even in the West, those not including fish or seafood in their diets, and not using iodised or sea salt, may be at real risk of deficiency. In an effort to compensate for low levels of dietary iodine, the mineral has been routinely added to ordinary table salt in the US for many years. But the practice is not as common in the UK and other European countries, where specially iodised or natural "sea-salt" has been marketed more as a luxury alternative. The problem of insufficient dietary iodine has been compounded on both sides of the Atlantic, however, by increasing concern about the possible adverse health consequences, particularly high blood pressure, of excessive salt intake. Many nutritionists, however, regard these fears as exaggerated, and believe that any such potential problems are far less serious than the consequences of an insufficiency of iodine, and may be easily resolved by the use of the low sodium salt alternatives available.
Iodine, however, cannot in any case be regarded as a luxury. Its essential function lies in the production of the vital thyroid hormones; thyroxine, sometimes known as T4, and tri-iodothyronine, or T3. And as is well known, these hormones are crucially important in ensuring a healthy metabolic rate and the release of energy from food; so an underactive thyroid gland is commonly the villain in cases of excessive weight gain, particularly where this of sudden onset, and in cases of difficulty in losing weight even when following a sensible reducing programme. A healthy thyroid gland is also crucial for the optimal functioning of the immune system.
But perhaps even more importantly, iodine deficiency is also known as a major cause of avoidable brain damage; a problem which the World Health Organisation has estimated to affect an astonishing 50 million people worldwide. Sadly, many of these cases occur in children whose mothers were iodine deficient in pregnancy, resulting in a condition of severely retarded brain development known as congenital hypothyroidism, or "cretinism". Even where such catastrophic consequences are avoided, iodine deficiency in childhood may also have serious effects on the developing brain, leading to low energy and motivation for learning, and measurable impairment of IQ scores.
Since 2001 the Food and Nutrition Board of the US Institute of Medicine (FNB) has prescribed a Recommended Dietary Allowance for iodine of 150 mcg for all individuals over 14, rising to 220 mcg for pregnant women and 290 mcg for those breastfeeding. Somewhat confusingly, however, an excessive consumption of iodine is also associated with a malfunctioning or enlargement of the thyroid gland, as well as mouth ulcers, headaches and gastric upsets, and the FNB therefore advises an upper safe limit for daily iodine consumption of 1,100 mcg for adults. Most people eating a conventional Western diet are unlikely to exceed this level.
With the possible exception of pregnant and breastfeeding women, people in the West who use liberal quantities of iodised salt as a regular seasoning are unlikely to need further supplements. But many commercial multi-mineral preparations contain iodine in reasonable quantities, usually in the form of potassium iodide, and whilst not perhaps strictly necessary, such supplementary doses will do no harm and may be regarded as a useful insurance policy given that, like all minerals needed by the body, iodine functions best in the presence of adequate supplies of all the others. And it should be particularly noted in this context that the effects of any deficiency of iodine may be intensified by any deficiency of selenium, iron or vitamin A.
Acne Fact and Fiction! Do Stress, Facials and Concealer's Help to Promote or Reduce Acne Breakouts?

What is Acne? People have differing opinions as to what acne really is. So, what exactly is acne? Do a couple of occasional but recurring zits qualify as a case of acne or do you have to have a lot of zits?
Believe it or not, the answer is that occasional pimples or zits do not constitute a true case of acne. Although zits do seem to have the ability to appear almost instantaneously and at the most inopportune times like picture day, prom night, spelling bees, sporting events, dates, and special award ceremonies, they are not a true acne outbreak.
The dictionary defines acne as "an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, especially on the face, back, chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules resulting in scarring."
The anatomical definition of sebaceous glands is: "small subcutaneous glands usually connected with hair follicles. The follicles secrete an oily semi-fluid matter, composed in great part of fat, which softens and lubricates the hair and skin."
Real acne outbreaks are actually a disease of the skin. However, the great news is that acne is treatable. Although it can be very embarrassing, cause great emotional distress, and lower your personal self-esteem for a period of time, acne is not fatal.
There are new and effective treatments being sought by researchers and great advances have been made in the treatment of acne in the last few years. Years ago, when a person had acne, they were pretty much stuck with the problem. There were very few treatments available and the medical profession didn't even consider acne a disease.
It was long thought that acne was the direct result of a diet that was too high in fat and/or sweets. That is no longer the case. Acne is most often associated with puberty and the onset of pre-teen and teenage years but it can and does develop in adults as well. When acne does finally heal, there can be permanent scars left (from picking and popping) that are unsightly and cause patients to suffer long term emotional distress and low self- esteem.
New and very effective skin resurfacing treatments have been developed over the last several years that have, if not completely removed acne scars, at least diminished their appearance and severity.
Acne Fact or Fiction:
You can hear a lot of tall tales about acne today, so let's take a look at the fact or fiction of acne. It is always better to be well armed with factual information so that you don't get fooled by the fictional facts that surround acne.
Fictional Fact #1: Acne is caused by a lack of sexual activity.
Factual Fact: Acne and sexual activity are two entirely separate issues. One has no bearing on the other. Hormones secreted during puberty and young adulthood does have a bearing on acne. They also have a bearing on sexual arousal and activity. However, acne has no bearing on sexual activity nor does sexual activity have any bearing on acne.
Fictional Fact #2: People have acne because they are dirty.
Factual Fact: Dirt has no part in acne. Dirt is dirt. Acne is acne. One has nothing to do with the other. Acne is a build up of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Dirt isn't involved. Keeping the face clean can and will help to prevent clogged pores but dirt does not cause acne.
Fictional Fact #3: Dermatologists can cure acne.
Factual Fact: Dermatologists can TREAT acne. They can help to alleviate the symptoms and help to clear up the pimples, black-heads, and white heads. They can prescribe antibiotics and topical ointments, lotions, and creams that will help but there is no cure at this time for acne.
Fictional Fact #4: Acne is simply a skin problem.
Factual Fact: It's true that acne affects the skin but it can also affect the way a person sees himself or herself. Acne and the scarring it can leave behind may cause a sufferer to become depressed and develop low self-esteem, both of which can lead to larger and more complex life socialization problems. Acne sufferers need the loving support and reassurance from their family and friends.
Acne and Stress:
Can stress actually cause acne? There is ample evidence available to suggest that stress can most assuredly cause an acne breakout or make an existing breakout worse. Our bodies are highly developed chemical laboratories that produce all sorts of stuff.
At puberty, our body begins to produce an abundance of male hormones and this happens in both boys and girls. This overproduction of male hormones can happen at other times in life besides puberty; for example, when a girl or woman starting or stops taking birth control pills.
These male hormones cause the bodies sebaceous glands to shift into overdrive and begin producing sebum. The sebum then travels up hair follicles, clogs the pores and begins the acne development cycle. However, male hormones are not the only cause for the sebaceous glands to begin producing an overabundance of sebum. When we become extremely stressed or overly emotional, our bodies react by causing the adrenal glands to produce a substance known as Cortisol, which is released directly into the bloodstream. Then the chemical chain reaction continues as the sebaceous glands release sebum, the sebum travels up the same hair follicles, clogs the pores and acne develops.
The physical changes in the body can cause exactly the same chemical chain reaction as the emotional changes in the mind. The mind/body connection is very real. Maybe some of it really IS in your head. If that's the case, there is help available to help people deal with the acne that is caused by stress. Reducing stress will just naturally reduce sebum production by the sebaceous glands and reducing sebum production will help to alleviate an acne breakout. Therefore, when you learn to reduce and control you stress levels, this part of the chemical chain reaction is minimized.
It really it isn't any different than restoring a hormonal balance to your body that reduces sebum production. So, in the final analysis, both factors that cause excessive sebum production should be addressed. Solving one problem might help; however, solving both problems could eliminate acne altogether.
Acne Facials:
If you are part of the 95 of the population who suffer from acne, you have more than likely seen TV or print media advertisements for acne facials. Have you ever wondered if there is anything to the claims that their manufacturers make?
In general, the answer is yes! Most acne facials are very effective, pretty much worth the price, and can be used in conjunction with your usual acne fighting regime. They won't necessarily replace any part of what you are already doing; but, rather enhance the overall effects.
You can find acne facials in most health stores, at many cosmetic counters, and online. As a matter of fact, you can probably complete a better comparison of available products online than you can anywhere else.
Most of these acne facial products provide for a three-step program. The first step is a complete facial cleansing. The next step is a steam massage. The final step is a facial mask. The first two steps are designed to prepare the face. The steam massage softens the black heads and the white heads to remove toxins from your skin. The facial mask serves to remove the dead skin cells from the face and to moisturize it as well. The overall effect of the acne facial is a very relaxing, calming, and cleansing experience. It just plain feels good. Anything that helps to calm and sooth your stress can't be bad because we all know that acne is aggravated by high stress levels. Acne facial masks can be used in addition to other parts of your acne prevention and treatment regime or you may find that the facial can, in fact, actually replace some things that you are currently doing.
Acne Concealer's:
One of Newton's laws of physics laws says that, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." That law of physics spills over into a lot of our life situations. For example: A young woman gets a zit and wants to cover it up. The cosmetics industry has a multitude of products designed to do just that. Okay, that's a little far out there but you get my point.
The acne pimples, whether they are white heads or black heads should never be picked at or popped. If they are popped or picked, it can and normally does result is a scar that is much harder to get rid of than the actual pimple, black head or white head. Popping a pimple is not going to make it go away. In fact, popping a pimple is only going to make the acne worse.
Still when you get a zit, you have to go out and face the world so you are looking for ways to make your skin look clear. You want to disguise the zit and make it as unnoticeable as possible. Here is where the cosmetic industry can help. There are a multitude of products designed to make a zit less noticeable. You don't want to use a product that just adds to the problem by adding additional oil to already oily skin. So, you do need to remember, that when you use a cover product to make the zit less noticeable, you need to totally clean the product from your skin immediately when you return home.
Some of the better known as well as more effective cosmetic concealer's on the market today are:
1. Dermablend Smooth Indulgence Concealer: This product produces a smooth matte appearance and was designed specifically for covering acne blemishes as well as for covering Rosacea and dark circles under the eyes.
2. Flawless Skin by Prescriptives: This product will not aggravate acne but will supply a medium to full coverage and it contains SPF 25 for protection from the sun.
Don't let acne control you; but rather, become smart and learn how to control the negative influences in your life that create a positive situation for acne to develop!
Believe it or not, the answer is that occasional pimples or zits do not constitute a true case of acne. Although zits do seem to have the ability to appear almost instantaneously and at the most inopportune times like picture day, prom night, spelling bees, sporting events, dates, and special award ceremonies, they are not a true acne outbreak.
The dictionary defines acne as "an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, especially on the face, back, chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules resulting in scarring."
The anatomical definition of sebaceous glands is: "small subcutaneous glands usually connected with hair follicles. The follicles secrete an oily semi-fluid matter, composed in great part of fat, which softens and lubricates the hair and skin."
Real acne outbreaks are actually a disease of the skin. However, the great news is that acne is treatable. Although it can be very embarrassing, cause great emotional distress, and lower your personal self-esteem for a period of time, acne is not fatal.
There are new and effective treatments being sought by researchers and great advances have been made in the treatment of acne in the last few years. Years ago, when a person had acne, they were pretty much stuck with the problem. There were very few treatments available and the medical profession didn't even consider acne a disease.
It was long thought that acne was the direct result of a diet that was too high in fat and/or sweets. That is no longer the case. Acne is most often associated with puberty and the onset of pre-teen and teenage years but it can and does develop in adults as well. When acne does finally heal, there can be permanent scars left (from picking and popping) that are unsightly and cause patients to suffer long term emotional distress and low self- esteem.
New and very effective skin resurfacing treatments have been developed over the last several years that have, if not completely removed acne scars, at least diminished their appearance and severity.
Acne Fact or Fiction:
You can hear a lot of tall tales about acne today, so let's take a look at the fact or fiction of acne. It is always better to be well armed with factual information so that you don't get fooled by the fictional facts that surround acne.
Fictional Fact #1: Acne is caused by a lack of sexual activity.
Factual Fact: Acne and sexual activity are two entirely separate issues. One has no bearing on the other. Hormones secreted during puberty and young adulthood does have a bearing on acne. They also have a bearing on sexual arousal and activity. However, acne has no bearing on sexual activity nor does sexual activity have any bearing on acne.
Fictional Fact #2: People have acne because they are dirty.
Factual Fact: Dirt has no part in acne. Dirt is dirt. Acne is acne. One has nothing to do with the other. Acne is a build up of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Dirt isn't involved. Keeping the face clean can and will help to prevent clogged pores but dirt does not cause acne.
Fictional Fact #3: Dermatologists can cure acne.
Factual Fact: Dermatologists can TREAT acne. They can help to alleviate the symptoms and help to clear up the pimples, black-heads, and white heads. They can prescribe antibiotics and topical ointments, lotions, and creams that will help but there is no cure at this time for acne.
Fictional Fact #4: Acne is simply a skin problem.
Factual Fact: It's true that acne affects the skin but it can also affect the way a person sees himself or herself. Acne and the scarring it can leave behind may cause a sufferer to become depressed and develop low self-esteem, both of which can lead to larger and more complex life socialization problems. Acne sufferers need the loving support and reassurance from their family and friends.
Acne and Stress:
Can stress actually cause acne? There is ample evidence available to suggest that stress can most assuredly cause an acne breakout or make an existing breakout worse. Our bodies are highly developed chemical laboratories that produce all sorts of stuff.
At puberty, our body begins to produce an abundance of male hormones and this happens in both boys and girls. This overproduction of male hormones can happen at other times in life besides puberty; for example, when a girl or woman starting or stops taking birth control pills.
These male hormones cause the bodies sebaceous glands to shift into overdrive and begin producing sebum. The sebum then travels up hair follicles, clogs the pores and begins the acne development cycle. However, male hormones are not the only cause for the sebaceous glands to begin producing an overabundance of sebum. When we become extremely stressed or overly emotional, our bodies react by causing the adrenal glands to produce a substance known as Cortisol, which is released directly into the bloodstream. Then the chemical chain reaction continues as the sebaceous glands release sebum, the sebum travels up the same hair follicles, clogs the pores and acne develops.
The physical changes in the body can cause exactly the same chemical chain reaction as the emotional changes in the mind. The mind/body connection is very real. Maybe some of it really IS in your head. If that's the case, there is help available to help people deal with the acne that is caused by stress. Reducing stress will just naturally reduce sebum production by the sebaceous glands and reducing sebum production will help to alleviate an acne breakout. Therefore, when you learn to reduce and control you stress levels, this part of the chemical chain reaction is minimized.
It really it isn't any different than restoring a hormonal balance to your body that reduces sebum production. So, in the final analysis, both factors that cause excessive sebum production should be addressed. Solving one problem might help; however, solving both problems could eliminate acne altogether.
Acne Facials:
If you are part of the 95 of the population who suffer from acne, you have more than likely seen TV or print media advertisements for acne facials. Have you ever wondered if there is anything to the claims that their manufacturers make?
In general, the answer is yes! Most acne facials are very effective, pretty much worth the price, and can be used in conjunction with your usual acne fighting regime. They won't necessarily replace any part of what you are already doing; but, rather enhance the overall effects.
You can find acne facials in most health stores, at many cosmetic counters, and online. As a matter of fact, you can probably complete a better comparison of available products online than you can anywhere else.
Most of these acne facial products provide for a three-step program. The first step is a complete facial cleansing. The next step is a steam massage. The final step is a facial mask. The first two steps are designed to prepare the face. The steam massage softens the black heads and the white heads to remove toxins from your skin. The facial mask serves to remove the dead skin cells from the face and to moisturize it as well. The overall effect of the acne facial is a very relaxing, calming, and cleansing experience. It just plain feels good. Anything that helps to calm and sooth your stress can't be bad because we all know that acne is aggravated by high stress levels. Acne facial masks can be used in addition to other parts of your acne prevention and treatment regime or you may find that the facial can, in fact, actually replace some things that you are currently doing.
Acne Concealer's:
One of Newton's laws of physics laws says that, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." That law of physics spills over into a lot of our life situations. For example: A young woman gets a zit and wants to cover it up. The cosmetics industry has a multitude of products designed to do just that. Okay, that's a little far out there but you get my point.
The acne pimples, whether they are white heads or black heads should never be picked at or popped. If they are popped or picked, it can and normally does result is a scar that is much harder to get rid of than the actual pimple, black head or white head. Popping a pimple is not going to make it go away. In fact, popping a pimple is only going to make the acne worse.
Still when you get a zit, you have to go out and face the world so you are looking for ways to make your skin look clear. You want to disguise the zit and make it as unnoticeable as possible. Here is where the cosmetic industry can help. There are a multitude of products designed to make a zit less noticeable. You don't want to use a product that just adds to the problem by adding additional oil to already oily skin. So, you do need to remember, that when you use a cover product to make the zit less noticeable, you need to totally clean the product from your skin immediately when you return home.
Some of the better known as well as more effective cosmetic concealer's on the market today are:
1. Dermablend Smooth Indulgence Concealer: This product produces a smooth matte appearance and was designed specifically for covering acne blemishes as well as for covering Rosacea and dark circles under the eyes.
2. Flawless Skin by Prescriptives: This product will not aggravate acne but will supply a medium to full coverage and it contains SPF 25 for protection from the sun.
Don't let acne control you; but rather, become smart and learn how to control the negative influences in your life that create a positive situation for acne to develop!
Do you want to be thinner, healthy and fit?

While we offer an effective and natural fat loss product – the Jen Fe Next Fat Loss Patch and the Power Patch, we also know that without a commitment from you to bring about some lifestyle changes, you won’t reach optimal fat loss. There is no product in the world that can produce fat loss while we are eating and drinking excessively, and moving only slowly from couch to car to office chair. We need a program of sensible diet and exercise that will support the products we utilize to help our weight loss.
Here’s what to eat:
1. Lots of vegetables and fruits
2. Increase healthy protein intake. This is how you build lean muscle tissue, which in turn speeds up your metabolism. Examples are fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, beans, and soy products.
3. Fiber-Rich foods. They will fill up and they make they are satisfying. In this category are: peas, beans, bran cereals, potato skins, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, bulger wheat, 100% whole wheat baked goods, fruits and vegetables.
4. Minerals. Calcium and other minerals are you “secret weapons” against body fat. They are found in low-fat dairy products, small or canned fish, soy tofu, green vegetables, nuts, seeds, bran cereals, and calcium fortified orange juice, and avoid processed, salt-loaded foods.
5. Eat fish and beneficial fats. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid in some fish, oils and nuts is a good fat. Eat moderate amounts of salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and other oily fish. Soybeans, nuts, pumpkin seed are also excellent sources for Omega-3.
6. Reduce harmful fats – saturated and trans fats. These are not only high in calories; they are also loaded with harmful fatty acids that cause disease.
7. Always eat an adequate breakfast for several reasons: it will speed up your metabolism earlier in the day and when you skip breakfast, it makes it harder to control your appetite later in the day.
8. Cut back or eliminate alcohol. It is high in non-filling calories. Ideal consumption is one glass of beer or wine a day.
9. Stay away from junk carbohydrates – sugar and white flour are diet killers in all but the smallest amounts.
10. Gradually reduce your calorie intake because extreme and sudden dieting causes your body to conserve, not burn calories, and it slows fat loss.
11. Snack instead of eating large meals – larger, higher calorie meals tend to be stored as fat, instead of burned for energy. Ideally, you should eat five or six smaller, nutritious snacks each day instead of large meals.
12. Move! You must exercise to build lean tissue that burns fat. As little as two to three hours per week of brisk walking at minimum, and you will notice a major impact on your weight loss.
13. Reduce stress. It produces adverse fat-producing chemistry in your body. Try warm baths, meditation, deep breathing, stretching, massage, prayer and rest.
14. Get outside into the sunshine at lest 20 minutes per day – the vitamin D you get from sunshine works with calcium for health and body fat control.
Here’s what to eat:
1. Lots of vegetables and fruits
2. Increase healthy protein intake. This is how you build lean muscle tissue, which in turn speeds up your metabolism. Examples are fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, beans, and soy products.
3. Fiber-Rich foods. They will fill up and they make they are satisfying. In this category are: peas, beans, bran cereals, potato skins, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, bulger wheat, 100% whole wheat baked goods, fruits and vegetables.
4. Minerals. Calcium and other minerals are you “secret weapons” against body fat. They are found in low-fat dairy products, small or canned fish, soy tofu, green vegetables, nuts, seeds, bran cereals, and calcium fortified orange juice, and avoid processed, salt-loaded foods.
5. Eat fish and beneficial fats. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid in some fish, oils and nuts is a good fat. Eat moderate amounts of salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and other oily fish. Soybeans, nuts, pumpkin seed are also excellent sources for Omega-3.
6. Reduce harmful fats – saturated and trans fats. These are not only high in calories; they are also loaded with harmful fatty acids that cause disease.
7. Always eat an adequate breakfast for several reasons: it will speed up your metabolism earlier in the day and when you skip breakfast, it makes it harder to control your appetite later in the day.
8. Cut back or eliminate alcohol. It is high in non-filling calories. Ideal consumption is one glass of beer or wine a day.
9. Stay away from junk carbohydrates – sugar and white flour are diet killers in all but the smallest amounts.
10. Gradually reduce your calorie intake because extreme and sudden dieting causes your body to conserve, not burn calories, and it slows fat loss.
11. Snack instead of eating large meals – larger, higher calorie meals tend to be stored as fat, instead of burned for energy. Ideally, you should eat five or six smaller, nutritious snacks each day instead of large meals.
12. Move! You must exercise to build lean tissue that burns fat. As little as two to three hours per week of brisk walking at minimum, and you will notice a major impact on your weight loss.
13. Reduce stress. It produces adverse fat-producing chemistry in your body. Try warm baths, meditation, deep breathing, stretching, massage, prayer and rest.
14. Get outside into the sunshine at lest 20 minutes per day – the vitamin D you get from sunshine works with calcium for health and body fat control.
5 Steps To Conquering Male Hair Loss...

Would you like to know how to conquer your hair loss problem?Well, here are the 5 critical steps that have been followed by every single guy who has ever conquered their hair loss problem...LISTEN TO ME: If you want to conquer your hair loss, then what do you think you need to do?That's right, YOU MUST follow these same steps. There is no question about it...So, without further ado, here goes...Critical
Step #1: YOU MUST understand why YOUR hair loss is occuring. Otherwise, to put it politely ? You have no hope!Critical
Step #2: YOU MUST be equipped with the most powerful treatments and techniques on the planet. This is not any easy task ? sifting through hund...(related: Hair Loss)
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A Guide To Female Hair LossHair loss usually occurs because of hormonal factors. As a consequence, biological events like puberty, pregnancy and menopause that effect female hormone levels can also cause female hair loss. In the case of pregnancy, hair loss is simply a consequence of the stress the body undergoes during labor and should stop appr...(related: Hair Loss)
A Guide To Hair Loss ProductsHair loss is a genetic/hormonal process that can affect both men and women. Hormones that bind to hair follicles can cause an imbalance in the biological processes that cause hair growth. Eventually, excess hormones on the follicle cause hair to stop growing and the follicle dies.Shampoo, wigs, creams, pills, powders, and just about anything else you can imagine has been marketed as a hair loss product. Hair loss products, if they are at all serious...(related: Hair Loss)
A Look At Hair Loss RemediesHair loss causes a great deal of stress and anxiety. In society, one of the factors other people judge us by is our looks, which includes our hair. Hair loss, therefore, can have an enormous impact on self-perception, self-esteem, and social life. Although there is no cure for excessive hair loss caused by male or female pattern hair loss, there are a variety of hair loss remedies available for people suffering from hair loss.One hair loss remedy is simply to learn to live with it. It is, after all, a common, normal process that many go through much like acne. Talking to a counselor may help you cope with any self-esteem issues you may face as the result of hair loss.Many people that suffer from hair loss find that one good remedy ...(related: Hair Loss)
A Look At Male Hair LossAt a research study held in a university in Norfolk, Virginia, it was found that 84 percent of men suffering from hair loss were preoccupied with the loss. They described feelings of helplessness, vulnerability, and jealousy of men with full, healthy heads of hair. Men who had begun losing their hair in their early twenties were more likely to have problems with low self-esteem.Male hair loss occurs because of a hormone imbalance. The medical term for male-pattern baldness is Androgenetic Alopecia. This term will help you understand the factors involved in excessive male hair loss. Androgen refers to any of the many hormones that control the appearance and development of masculine traits. An example is testosterone. Genetic refers to heredi...(related: Hair Loss)
After Wls: Silica Vitamin Helps Slow Hair LossThe question of hair loss comes up all the time in the LivingAfterWLS community. Is there anything we can do to prevent hair loss or at least decrease the severity of it?Some bariatric centers say there is nothing to be done, that patients have to just live with the hair loss as part of the gastric bypass experience. Other centers say a diet of 70g. protein a day will prevent hair loss. Still other centers recommend taking a daily multi-vitamin and supplemental vitamins intended to improve hair health. I believe in taking a supplemental vitamin that contains silica which is known to improve the health, texture and volume of hair.
Alopecia Areata And Hair Loss: What Does Aloe Vera Have To Do With ItA disease of unknown cause in which well-defined bald patches occur, usually on the head and other hairy parts of the body. The condition typically clears without treatment; recurrences are common. Alopecia areata is an immune system disorder where hair follicles cease making new hairs. A...(related: Hair Loss)
Andropause And Hair LossAndropause and hair loss often go hand in hand. Imagine clumps of hair falling off your head, or observing strands of once healthy hair collecting in the shower drain. Maybe you run your hand through your hair and feel it thinning. It can feel daunting and quite scary. Typically, hair loss is a result of an imbalance of male testosterone hormone in the body.Instead of infusing the hair with healthy testosterone, enzymes break it down to a simpler form known as dihydrotestosterone. An excess of this hormone has ...(related: Hair Loss)
Are Hair Loss Treatments Just One Big Scam?
The hair loss industry is not one that inspires great confidence in most people. I have to admit this is perfectly understandable given the damage caused by the many rogues and charlatans who have abused the trust of far too many vulnerable people - people who have received worthless and even dangerous products or advice in exchange for their hard earned cash. The end result is the prevalance of a stigma that the industry is hard pressed to shake off.
But is this perception really ju...(related: Hair Loss)
Are There Really Vitamins For Hair Loss?While there are vitamins you can take for healthy hair and to help prevent hair loss, the downside of this is that taking excessive amounts of vitam...(related: Hair Loss)
Are Your Searching In Vain For The Causes Of Hair Loss?Trying to find out what causes hair to fall out is often very hard to do. This is because there are so many different causes of hair loss, there is no one common denominator that one can look to. Causes of hair loss range from heredity, an anti-immune condition, stress, hormonal changes, diet, rest and hair care. In order to find out what is causing your hair loss, you should first visit your doctor. He/She will do a series of test to try to find the cause and discuss the possible treatments for your particular hairloss.If the causes of hair loss have to do with medication, such as chemotherapy o...(related: Hair Loss)
Ayurveda Can Help Stop Hair Loss
Most hair loss sufferers seek solutions from Western medicine or turn to remedies derived from local traditions. Some experts however argue that the ayurvedic system of medicine has much to offer in dealing with hair loss conditions.
Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine practiced in India and Sri Lanka. It is a complete approach to health care designed to promote a way of life rather than an occasional treatment. As a holistic system of medicine ayurveda focuses on our uniqueness and takes into account our mental attitude, lifestyle and spirit which should not be treated in isolation from each other.
According to ayurveda, the following principles are beneficial to healthy and plentiful hair:
- The scalp must be kept cool, so pro...(related: Hair Loss)
Body Hair Removal: Solutions For TodayAs we as a race become increasingly conscious of the way others look at us and not just the way, we look at ourselves, personal grooming has never been more important. And top of the list for many men and women today is to gain a superior attractive quality by getting rid of unwanted body hair. Be it facial hair removal for women, or back hair removal for men, quick hair removal treatments have fast gained in popularity with the masses. As your search continues for the treatment best suited for you, we have tried to put together a concise set of hair removal solutions available in the market...(related: Hair Loss)
Carefully Scrutinize The Hair Transplant Cost Before You CommitHair transplant cost is quite high so before you commit to anything, make sure that this is want to you want. Surgical techniques can be painful, so you also have to keep this in mind as well. Because hair transplant costs are considered to be plastic surgery, it is not included as a normal cost in your health plan. You will have to have your own money to cover the cost.The average cost for hair transplants for hair grafting is generally on a per graft basis. The total hair transplant cost depends on how many of these hair grafts you want to have. Surgeons will be able to give you an average cost based on each graft, but they will need to really examine you to determine how ...(related: Hair Loss)
Causes Of Hair LossThe normal cycle of hair growth and loss means that some amount of hair loss will occur in every individual's life. It is said that at any given point in time, about 10% of the hair on our scalp is in a resting phase which sheds after a couple of months, giving way to new hair growth. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years when each hair grows about 1 centimeter per month. Hence, almost 90 percent of the hair is growing at any one time. Regular hair shedding is part of this cycle; however, some people experience excessive hair loss.Excessive hair loss, however, is cause for concern. A number of reasons may lead to excessive hair loss. Any major illness, fungal infections or surgery may be major reasons. Hormonal problems like hypo or hyper thyroidism or male (androgens) or female (estrogens) hormones imbalance...(related: Hair Loss)
Chinese Medicine For Alopecia AreataAlopecia areata is considered to be an auto-immune condition in which the body's immune system, specifically the white blood cells, attack the hair follicles, leading to hair loss, which can be on the scalp or elsewhere.In most cases of alopecia, the hair falls out in small round patches about the size of a quarter. Alopecia areata affects approximately four million Americans of both sexes, and all ages and backgrounds. The effects of alopecia are primarily socially and emotionally disturbing, because of its unpredictable effects on a pers...(related: Hair Loss)
Common Hair Mistakes1. NOT TRIMMING YOUR HAIR EVERY 6 WEEKS.The tip of each hair is weaker then the root, making it more vulnerable to breakage and split ends. Having the tips trimmed every 6 weeks helps to maintain the condition of your hair and its style.2. WASHING HAIR ON A DAILY BASIS.Regularly washing your hair strips it of essential oils and can leave it dry and brittle. If you have naturally oily hair, use a mild, pH-balanced shampoo. When washing your hair don't rub the scalp vigorously as this will stimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum.3. RUB...(related: Hair Loss)
Common Treatments For Hair Loss In Women
Much has been said and written about modern day hair loss treatments but this tends to relate almost exclusively to men. Do these same treatments offer solutions to women suffering from hair loss or is there a completely different category of remedies available? It really depends on what is causing hair loss in the first place and as the most common causes of hair loss are the same as those that affect men, the treatments available are pretty similar.
In an earlier article we concluded that the three most common causes of hair loss in women are female pattern baldness, telogen effluvium and alopecia areata. We'll now look at each of these in turn and examine the best treatments available, bearing in mind the specific needs of women:
Coping With Male Pattern Baldness
Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) is by far the most common cause of hair loss amongst men and a serious problem for many women. For it to develop, three important components must come into play:
1. A genetic predisposition for balding to occur.
2. The presence of male hormones.
3. Aging - enough time for the first two factors to occur.
Despite the common perception, familial baldness patterns are not completely reliable as predictors of future hair loss. The fact that your parent or grandparent exhibited a given pattern does not guarantee your hair loss development will be the same. However, if your father was completely b...(related: Hair Loss)
Coping With Telogen Effluvium
Telogen effluvium is a hair loss condition that is characterized by a general thinning of the hair over a period of months. It is usually found in people who have recently experienced trauma with common causes including childbirth, major surgery and severe illness.
It occurs when one or more factors interfere with the normal growth cycle and manifests when large numbers of hairs are prematurely pushed from the growth (anagen) phase into the resting (telogen) phase. The telogen hairs are loosely attached at the roots and fall out easily. Fortunately, this unnatural growth behavior is only temporary and completely reversible.
Diagnosis of telogen effluvium involves a three step process:
1. Assess the type of hair loss suffered - generally telogen effluvium is typified by a rapid thinning throughout th...(related: Hair Loss)
Cosmetic Solutions For Hair Loss
Many people suffering from hair loss prefer not to use the strong drugs and medications that currently form the best available treatment options. They may have tried a range of treatments but found they did not work or perhaps suffered unpleasant side effects. What options are left for such people, especially if they do not wish to consider surgery?
There are a number of solutions available but the final decision will be strongly influenced by the amount of thinning that needs to be covered.
1. Creative styling - this is perhaps the easiest opti...(related: Hair Loss)
Counseling At A Hair Transplant Centre, Is It All That Essential?Men and women visiting a hair restoration centre or clinic have many different motives for desiring hair restoration. Whatever the motive, the decision to undertake hair restoration surgery should be an educated one before any desperate patient becomes an easy game fo...(related: Hair Loss)
Develop A Strategy For Dealing With Premature Hair Loss
The fact you are reading this probably indicates you have concerns about the rate of your hair loss. Baldness may sometimes be a source of amusement to those with a full head of hair, but premature hair loss at any age can be the cause of intense concern to those affected.
But you can do something about this! By following the guidelines suggested in this article you will place yourself in a position to identify a hair loss treatment that not only works but also fits in with your lifestyle and preferences.
To achieve this you must truthfully answer four simple questions:
1. What is the true cause of your hair loss?
Most instances of hair loss in men, for example, can be attributed to androgenetic alopecia...(related: Hair Loss)
Dht And Hair LossDHT hair loss affects both men and women.DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone which is the resulting product of direct contact between th...(related: Hair Loss)
Diet, Nutrition And Hair LossOne key factor in maintaining a growing protein on a part of one's biological body is obvious: one must maintain a healthy diet. Although certain factors have been definitely identified as contributors to hair loss, we must keep in mind that hair is part of the complete biological system of the human body. Being a system, dysfunctions in one part of the system can contribute to dysfunctions in other parts; chain reactions occur when one part of the body malfunctions, causing other parts within the system to falter. To maintain optimum health, it is best to maintai...(related: Hair Loss)
Do Natural Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Real Relevance?
The effectiveness of modern hair loss treatments is clear for all to see, but many people simply prefer not to use strong chemicals or non-natural substances.
If you fall into this category, does this mean you'll just have to accept an ever-decreasing head of hair? The answer to this is an unequivocal NO!
Many natural hair loss remedies, both traditional and contemporary, have shown their worth in reducing and reversing hair loss. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and even deliver additional health benefits.
Why then, don't we hear a lot more about these natural hair loss remedies? Simply because claims of cures cannot be made without FDA approval, and obtaining the FDA seal of approval involves lengthy and expensive scientific research that only major c...(related: Hair Loss)
Do Traditional Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Relevance Today?
Could it be possible that our ancestors got it right with some of their traditional hair loss remedies? Folklore tells us they certainly went to great lengths to find solutions to thinning hair.
Although each culture had its own approach influenced by local conditions, there seem to have been many examples of common practices. Nettles, for example, formed an important element of traditional ha...(related: Hair Loss)
Do You Know About These Remedies For Hair Loss?Millions of the people worldwide suffer from hair loss andthis is the reason why hair loss remedies are a billiondollar industry.The answe...(related: Hair Loss)
Do You Know These Facts About Hair Loss?The causes of hair loss are plenty including diseases,nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and evenstress. But, one of the most common ones is adrogeneticalopecia.Alopecia, is in fact, the term for hair loss. Androgeneticis a reference to the fact that factors such as a geneticpredisposition to balding and the influence of malehormones-androgens-play a part. There is also a thirdaspect-aging.Let's look at these in brief:GeneticsGenetics is a complicated thing and not easy to understandor predict the behavior of. The case with balding is alsothe same. Simply the presence (or absence) of balding inone's parents, on either, the mother's or father's side, ...(related: Hair Loss)
Do You Know These Hair Coloring Secrets?Coloring your hair is perhaps the quickest and mostdramatic way to change your look.There are two types of hair dyes: permanent and semi-permanent, with variations of each.A) Permanent Tints:Must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide to lift hair color.The peroxide opens the hair cuticle so that the tint canpenetrate the cortex and form the color. The higher thelevel of peroxide, the quicker and ...(related: Hair Loss)
Dont Let Dandruff Stop You Wearing Black DressDandruff is one of those conditions that is infinitely more threatening to your self-confidence than it is to your health, but, for the 50,000,000 people who suffer from it,it is an upsetting problem nonetheless. Those apparently harmless white flakes that drift on to the shoulders of that gorgeous black dress, or that perfectly tailored suit, can have a huge impact upon the confidence of the sufferer, who can wonder why they bothered getting dressed up in the first place. Dandruff is a completely natural body function ? the shedding of skin cells, which happens all over our bodies, every day ? gone slightly askew. It canno...(related: Hair Loss)
Dont Lose Hair Because Of Poor Grooming
One of the most common reasons why men and women lose their hair is due to poor cosmetic grooming. The unfortunate thing about this is the fact it is so preventable. Fortunately there are some steps you can take to put right some of the damage caused.
Speaking at the American Academy of Dermatology's 2004 summer conference, Dr Zoe Draelos offered a number of recommendations to improve the hair care regime:
1. Itching associated with seborrheic dermatitis can weaken and damage hair over a period of time so seek medical help if your scalp skin is ...(related: Hair Loss)
Easy Natural Remedies For Hair LossThere is again no sure-fire way to prevent all hair loss; however, there are some methods that have been used that work on some people.In addition to the dietary improvements and suggestions already offered, there are some naturopathic remedy suggestions.Massage and aromatherapy have been used with some success. In minor cases of temporary hair loss, hair growth can be stimulated by massage, since blood and oxygen flow to the scalp must be healthy in order for hair to grow.A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp.Once...(related: Hair Loss)
Everything You Wanted To Know About HairIn order to treat hair loss successfully, it is necessaryto know about hair. This article discusses general factsabout human hair, hair structure and growth.The average human adult body has an astounding 5 millionhairs of which 100,000 to 150,000 are on the scalp. Trueblondes have more hair on the scalp - 140,000 hairs thanbrunettes (105,000 hairs) or redheads (90,000 hairs). Hairis ...(related: Hair Loss)
Everything You Wanted To Know About Laser Hair RemovalLaser hair removal is the best available method for hairremoval because of the several advantages offered by thismethod. Laser hair removal method scores over other methodsof hair removal for its ease of use, less time-consuming,little or no side effects and a long lasting treatment forremoving unwa...(related: Hair Loss)
Female Hair Growth Products For Females With Thinning HairWomen have problems with thinning hair and baldness, just as men do, but usually not to the same extent. It is quite common for women to look for female hair growth products to help them preserve the hair they have left and to try and stop the hair loss.Most of the female hair growth products on the market are suitable for men to use as well, but the reverse is not true. The hair growth products advertised specifically for men are not suitable for women because many of them cause hair to grow on parts of the body, such as the face, che...(related: Hair Loss)
source http://www.free-article-info.com/hair-loss/index.php
A Better Understanding Of Laser Hair Removal In 5 MinutesMen and women from all walks of life are turning in increasing numbers to laser to remove unwanted hair from their bodies. Th...(related: Hair Loss)
A Guide To Female Hair LossHair loss usually occurs because of hormonal factors. As a consequence, biological events like puberty, pregnancy and menopause that effect female hormone levels can also cause female hair loss. In the case of pregnancy, hair loss is simply a consequence of the stress the body undergoes during labor and should stop appr...(related: Hair Loss)
A Guide To Hair Loss ProductsHair loss is a genetic/hormonal process that can affect both men and women. Hormones that bind to hair follicles can cause an imbalance in the biological processes that cause hair growth. Eventually, excess hormones on the follicle cause hair to stop growing and the follicle dies.Shampoo, wigs, creams, pills, powders, and just about anything else you can imagine has been marketed as a hair loss product. Hair loss products, if they are at all serious...(related: Hair Loss)
A Look At Hair Loss RemediesHair loss causes a great deal of stress and anxiety. In society, one of the factors other people judge us by is our looks, which includes our hair. Hair loss, therefore, can have an enormous impact on self-perception, self-esteem, and social life. Although there is no cure for excessive hair loss caused by male or female pattern hair loss, there are a variety of hair loss remedies available for people suffering from hair loss.One hair loss remedy is simply to learn to live with it. It is, after all, a common, normal process that many go through much like acne. Talking to a counselor may help you cope with any self-esteem issues you may face as the result of hair loss.Many people that suffer from hair loss find that one good remedy ...(related: Hair Loss)
A Look At Male Hair LossAt a research study held in a university in Norfolk, Virginia, it was found that 84 percent of men suffering from hair loss were preoccupied with the loss. They described feelings of helplessness, vulnerability, and jealousy of men with full, healthy heads of hair. Men who had begun losing their hair in their early twenties were more likely to have problems with low self-esteem.Male hair loss occurs because of a hormone imbalance. The medical term for male-pattern baldness is Androgenetic Alopecia. This term will help you understand the factors involved in excessive male hair loss. Androgen refers to any of the many hormones that control the appearance and development of masculine traits. An example is testosterone. Genetic refers to heredi...(related: Hair Loss)
After Wls: Silica Vitamin Helps Slow Hair LossThe question of hair loss comes up all the time in the LivingAfterWLS community. Is there anything we can do to prevent hair loss or at least decrease the severity of it?Some bariatric centers say there is nothing to be done, that patients have to just live with the hair loss as part of the gastric bypass experience. Other centers say a diet of 70g. protein a day will prevent hair loss. Still other centers recommend taking a daily multi-vitamin and supplemental vitamins intended to improve hair health. I believe in taking a supplemental vitamin that contains silica which is known to improve the health, texture and volume of hair.
Alopecia Areata And Hair Loss: What Does Aloe Vera Have To Do With ItA disease of unknown cause in which well-defined bald patches occur, usually on the head and other hairy parts of the body. The condition typically clears without treatment; recurrences are common. Alopecia areata is an immune system disorder where hair follicles cease making new hairs. A...(related: Hair Loss)
Andropause And Hair LossAndropause and hair loss often go hand in hand. Imagine clumps of hair falling off your head, or observing strands of once healthy hair collecting in the shower drain. Maybe you run your hand through your hair and feel it thinning. It can feel daunting and quite scary. Typically, hair loss is a result of an imbalance of male testosterone hormone in the body.Instead of infusing the hair with healthy testosterone, enzymes break it down to a simpler form known as dihydrotestosterone. An excess of this hormone has ...(related: Hair Loss)
Are Hair Loss Treatments Just One Big Scam?
The hair loss industry is not one that inspires great confidence in most people. I have to admit this is perfectly understandable given the damage caused by the many rogues and charlatans who have abused the trust of far too many vulnerable people - people who have received worthless and even dangerous products or advice in exchange for their hard earned cash. The end result is the prevalance of a stigma that the industry is hard pressed to shake off.
But is this perception really ju...(related: Hair Loss)
Are There Really Vitamins For Hair Loss?While there are vitamins you can take for healthy hair and to help prevent hair loss, the downside of this is that taking excessive amounts of vitam...(related: Hair Loss)
Are Your Searching In Vain For The Causes Of Hair Loss?Trying to find out what causes hair to fall out is often very hard to do. This is because there are so many different causes of hair loss, there is no one common denominator that one can look to. Causes of hair loss range from heredity, an anti-immune condition, stress, hormonal changes, diet, rest and hair care. In order to find out what is causing your hair loss, you should first visit your doctor. He/She will do a series of test to try to find the cause and discuss the possible treatments for your particular hairloss.If the causes of hair loss have to do with medication, such as chemotherapy o...(related: Hair Loss)
Ayurveda Can Help Stop Hair Loss
Most hair loss sufferers seek solutions from Western medicine or turn to remedies derived from local traditions. Some experts however argue that the ayurvedic system of medicine has much to offer in dealing with hair loss conditions.
Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine practiced in India and Sri Lanka. It is a complete approach to health care designed to promote a way of life rather than an occasional treatment. As a holistic system of medicine ayurveda focuses on our uniqueness and takes into account our mental attitude, lifestyle and spirit which should not be treated in isolation from each other.
According to ayurveda, the following principles are beneficial to healthy and plentiful hair:
- The scalp must be kept cool, so pro...(related: Hair Loss)
Body Hair Removal: Solutions For TodayAs we as a race become increasingly conscious of the way others look at us and not just the way, we look at ourselves, personal grooming has never been more important. And top of the list for many men and women today is to gain a superior attractive quality by getting rid of unwanted body hair. Be it facial hair removal for women, or back hair removal for men, quick hair removal treatments have fast gained in popularity with the masses. As your search continues for the treatment best suited for you, we have tried to put together a concise set of hair removal solutions available in the market...(related: Hair Loss)
Carefully Scrutinize The Hair Transplant Cost Before You CommitHair transplant cost is quite high so before you commit to anything, make sure that this is want to you want. Surgical techniques can be painful, so you also have to keep this in mind as well. Because hair transplant costs are considered to be plastic surgery, it is not included as a normal cost in your health plan. You will have to have your own money to cover the cost.The average cost for hair transplants for hair grafting is generally on a per graft basis. The total hair transplant cost depends on how many of these hair grafts you want to have. Surgeons will be able to give you an average cost based on each graft, but they will need to really examine you to determine how ...(related: Hair Loss)
Causes Of Hair LossThe normal cycle of hair growth and loss means that some amount of hair loss will occur in every individual's life. It is said that at any given point in time, about 10% of the hair on our scalp is in a resting phase which sheds after a couple of months, giving way to new hair growth. This growing phase lasts for 2 to 6 years when each hair grows about 1 centimeter per month. Hence, almost 90 percent of the hair is growing at any one time. Regular hair shedding is part of this cycle; however, some people experience excessive hair loss.Excessive hair loss, however, is cause for concern. A number of reasons may lead to excessive hair loss. Any major illness, fungal infections or surgery may be major reasons. Hormonal problems like hypo or hyper thyroidism or male (androgens) or female (estrogens) hormones imbalance...(related: Hair Loss)
Chinese Medicine For Alopecia AreataAlopecia areata is considered to be an auto-immune condition in which the body's immune system, specifically the white blood cells, attack the hair follicles, leading to hair loss, which can be on the scalp or elsewhere.In most cases of alopecia, the hair falls out in small round patches about the size of a quarter. Alopecia areata affects approximately four million Americans of both sexes, and all ages and backgrounds. The effects of alopecia are primarily socially and emotionally disturbing, because of its unpredictable effects on a pers...(related: Hair Loss)
Common Hair Mistakes1. NOT TRIMMING YOUR HAIR EVERY 6 WEEKS.The tip of each hair is weaker then the root, making it more vulnerable to breakage and split ends. Having the tips trimmed every 6 weeks helps to maintain the condition of your hair and its style.2. WASHING HAIR ON A DAILY BASIS.Regularly washing your hair strips it of essential oils and can leave it dry and brittle. If you have naturally oily hair, use a mild, pH-balanced shampoo. When washing your hair don't rub the scalp vigorously as this will stimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum.3. RUB...(related: Hair Loss)
Common Treatments For Hair Loss In Women
Much has been said and written about modern day hair loss treatments but this tends to relate almost exclusively to men. Do these same treatments offer solutions to women suffering from hair loss or is there a completely different category of remedies available? It really depends on what is causing hair loss in the first place and as the most common causes of hair loss are the same as those that affect men, the treatments available are pretty similar.
In an earlier article we concluded that the three most common causes of hair loss in women are female pattern baldness, telogen effluvium and alopecia areata. We'll now look at each of these in turn and examine the best treatments available, bearing in mind the specific needs of women:
Coping With Male Pattern Baldness
Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) is by far the most common cause of hair loss amongst men and a serious problem for many women. For it to develop, three important components must come into play:
1. A genetic predisposition for balding to occur.
2. The presence of male hormones.
3. Aging - enough time for the first two factors to occur.
Despite the common perception, familial baldness patterns are not completely reliable as predictors of future hair loss. The fact that your parent or grandparent exhibited a given pattern does not guarantee your hair loss development will be the same. However, if your father was completely b...(related: Hair Loss)
Coping With Telogen Effluvium
Telogen effluvium is a hair loss condition that is characterized by a general thinning of the hair over a period of months. It is usually found in people who have recently experienced trauma with common causes including childbirth, major surgery and severe illness.
It occurs when one or more factors interfere with the normal growth cycle and manifests when large numbers of hairs are prematurely pushed from the growth (anagen) phase into the resting (telogen) phase. The telogen hairs are loosely attached at the roots and fall out easily. Fortunately, this unnatural growth behavior is only temporary and completely reversible.
Diagnosis of telogen effluvium involves a three step process:
1. Assess the type of hair loss suffered - generally telogen effluvium is typified by a rapid thinning throughout th...(related: Hair Loss)
Cosmetic Solutions For Hair Loss
Many people suffering from hair loss prefer not to use the strong drugs and medications that currently form the best available treatment options. They may have tried a range of treatments but found they did not work or perhaps suffered unpleasant side effects. What options are left for such people, especially if they do not wish to consider surgery?
There are a number of solutions available but the final decision will be strongly influenced by the amount of thinning that needs to be covered.
1. Creative styling - this is perhaps the easiest opti...(related: Hair Loss)
Counseling At A Hair Transplant Centre, Is It All That Essential?Men and women visiting a hair restoration centre or clinic have many different motives for desiring hair restoration. Whatever the motive, the decision to undertake hair restoration surgery should be an educated one before any desperate patient becomes an easy game fo...(related: Hair Loss)
Develop A Strategy For Dealing With Premature Hair Loss
The fact you are reading this probably indicates you have concerns about the rate of your hair loss. Baldness may sometimes be a source of amusement to those with a full head of hair, but premature hair loss at any age can be the cause of intense concern to those affected.
But you can do something about this! By following the guidelines suggested in this article you will place yourself in a position to identify a hair loss treatment that not only works but also fits in with your lifestyle and preferences.
To achieve this you must truthfully answer four simple questions:
1. What is the true cause of your hair loss?
Most instances of hair loss in men, for example, can be attributed to androgenetic alopecia...(related: Hair Loss)
Dht And Hair LossDHT hair loss affects both men and women.DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone which is the resulting product of direct contact between th...(related: Hair Loss)
Diet, Nutrition And Hair LossOne key factor in maintaining a growing protein on a part of one's biological body is obvious: one must maintain a healthy diet. Although certain factors have been definitely identified as contributors to hair loss, we must keep in mind that hair is part of the complete biological system of the human body. Being a system, dysfunctions in one part of the system can contribute to dysfunctions in other parts; chain reactions occur when one part of the body malfunctions, causing other parts within the system to falter. To maintain optimum health, it is best to maintai...(related: Hair Loss)
Do Natural Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Real Relevance?
The effectiveness of modern hair loss treatments is clear for all to see, but many people simply prefer not to use strong chemicals or non-natural substances.
If you fall into this category, does this mean you'll just have to accept an ever-decreasing head of hair? The answer to this is an unequivocal NO!
Many natural hair loss remedies, both traditional and contemporary, have shown their worth in reducing and reversing hair loss. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and even deliver additional health benefits.
Why then, don't we hear a lot more about these natural hair loss remedies? Simply because claims of cures cannot be made without FDA approval, and obtaining the FDA seal of approval involves lengthy and expensive scientific research that only major c...(related: Hair Loss)
Do Traditional Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Relevance Today?
Could it be possible that our ancestors got it right with some of their traditional hair loss remedies? Folklore tells us they certainly went to great lengths to find solutions to thinning hair.
Although each culture had its own approach influenced by local conditions, there seem to have been many examples of common practices. Nettles, for example, formed an important element of traditional ha...(related: Hair Loss)
Do You Know About These Remedies For Hair Loss?Millions of the people worldwide suffer from hair loss andthis is the reason why hair loss remedies are a billiondollar industry.The answe...(related: Hair Loss)
Do You Know These Facts About Hair Loss?The causes of hair loss are plenty including diseases,nutritional deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and evenstress. But, one of the most common ones is adrogeneticalopecia.Alopecia, is in fact, the term for hair loss. Androgeneticis a reference to the fact that factors such as a geneticpredisposition to balding and the influence of malehormones-androgens-play a part. There is also a thirdaspect-aging.Let's look at these in brief:GeneticsGenetics is a complicated thing and not easy to understandor predict the behavior of. The case with balding is alsothe same. Simply the presence (or absence) of balding inone's parents, on either, the mother's or father's side, ...(related: Hair Loss)
Do You Know These Hair Coloring Secrets?Coloring your hair is perhaps the quickest and mostdramatic way to change your look.There are two types of hair dyes: permanent and semi-permanent, with variations of each.A) Permanent Tints:Must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide to lift hair color.The peroxide opens the hair cuticle so that the tint canpenetrate the cortex and form the color. The higher thelevel of peroxide, the quicker and ...(related: Hair Loss)
Dont Let Dandruff Stop You Wearing Black DressDandruff is one of those conditions that is infinitely more threatening to your self-confidence than it is to your health, but, for the 50,000,000 people who suffer from it,it is an upsetting problem nonetheless. Those apparently harmless white flakes that drift on to the shoulders of that gorgeous black dress, or that perfectly tailored suit, can have a huge impact upon the confidence of the sufferer, who can wonder why they bothered getting dressed up in the first place. Dandruff is a completely natural body function ? the shedding of skin cells, which happens all over our bodies, every day ? gone slightly askew. It canno...(related: Hair Loss)
Dont Lose Hair Because Of Poor Grooming
One of the most common reasons why men and women lose their hair is due to poor cosmetic grooming. The unfortunate thing about this is the fact it is so preventable. Fortunately there are some steps you can take to put right some of the damage caused.
Speaking at the American Academy of Dermatology's 2004 summer conference, Dr Zoe Draelos offered a number of recommendations to improve the hair care regime:
1. Itching associated with seborrheic dermatitis can weaken and damage hair over a period of time so seek medical help if your scalp skin is ...(related: Hair Loss)
Easy Natural Remedies For Hair LossThere is again no sure-fire way to prevent all hair loss; however, there are some methods that have been used that work on some people.In addition to the dietary improvements and suggestions already offered, there are some naturopathic remedy suggestions.Massage and aromatherapy have been used with some success. In minor cases of temporary hair loss, hair growth can be stimulated by massage, since blood and oxygen flow to the scalp must be healthy in order for hair to grow.A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp.Once...(related: Hair Loss)
Everything You Wanted To Know About HairIn order to treat hair loss successfully, it is necessaryto know about hair. This article discusses general factsabout human hair, hair structure and growth.The average human adult body has an astounding 5 millionhairs of which 100,000 to 150,000 are on the scalp. Trueblondes have more hair on the scalp - 140,000 hairs thanbrunettes (105,000 hairs) or redheads (90,000 hairs). Hairis ...(related: Hair Loss)
Everything You Wanted To Know About Laser Hair RemovalLaser hair removal is the best available method for hairremoval because of the several advantages offered by thismethod. Laser hair removal method scores over other methodsof hair removal for its ease of use, less time-consuming,little or no side effects and a long lasting treatment forremoving unwa...(related: Hair Loss)
Female Hair Growth Products For Females With Thinning HairWomen have problems with thinning hair and baldness, just as men do, but usually not to the same extent. It is quite common for women to look for female hair growth products to help them preserve the hair they have left and to try and stop the hair loss.Most of the female hair growth products on the market are suitable for men to use as well, but the reverse is not true. The hair growth products advertised specifically for men are not suitable for women because many of them cause hair to grow on parts of the body, such as the face, che...(related: Hair Loss)
source http://www.free-article-info.com/hair-loss/index.php
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