What is Acne? People have differing opinions as to what acne really is. So, what exactly is acne? Do a couple of occasional but recurring zits qualify as a case of acne or do you have to have a lot of zits?
Believe it or not, the answer is that occasional pimples or zits do not constitute a true case of acne. Although zits do seem to have the ability to appear almost instantaneously and at the most inopportune times like picture day, prom night, spelling bees, sporting events, dates, and special award ceremonies, they are not a true acne outbreak.
The dictionary defines acne as "an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, especially on the face, back, chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules resulting in scarring."
The anatomical definition of sebaceous glands is: "small subcutaneous glands usually connected with hair follicles. The follicles secrete an oily semi-fluid matter, composed in great part of fat, which softens and lubricates the hair and skin."
Real acne outbreaks are actually a disease of the skin. However, the great news is that acne is treatable. Although it can be very embarrassing, cause great emotional distress, and lower your personal self-esteem for a period of time, acne is not fatal.
There are new and effective treatments being sought by researchers and great advances have been made in the treatment of acne in the last few years. Years ago, when a person had acne, they were pretty much stuck with the problem. There were very few treatments available and the medical profession didn't even consider acne a disease.
It was long thought that acne was the direct result of a diet that was too high in fat and/or sweets. That is no longer the case. Acne is most often associated with puberty and the onset of pre-teen and teenage years but it can and does develop in adults as well. When acne does finally heal, there can be permanent scars left (from picking and popping) that are unsightly and cause patients to suffer long term emotional distress and low self- esteem.
New and very effective skin resurfacing treatments have been developed over the last several years that have, if not completely removed acne scars, at least diminished their appearance and severity.
Acne Fact or Fiction:
You can hear a lot of tall tales about acne today, so let's take a look at the fact or fiction of acne. It is always better to be well armed with factual information so that you don't get fooled by the fictional facts that surround acne.
Fictional Fact #1: Acne is caused by a lack of sexual activity.
Factual Fact: Acne and sexual activity are two entirely separate issues. One has no bearing on the other. Hormones secreted during puberty and young adulthood does have a bearing on acne. They also have a bearing on sexual arousal and activity. However, acne has no bearing on sexual activity nor does sexual activity have any bearing on acne.
Fictional Fact #2: People have acne because they are dirty.
Factual Fact: Dirt has no part in acne. Dirt is dirt. Acne is acne. One has nothing to do with the other. Acne is a build up of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Dirt isn't involved. Keeping the face clean can and will help to prevent clogged pores but dirt does not cause acne.
Fictional Fact #3: Dermatologists can cure acne.
Factual Fact: Dermatologists can TREAT acne. They can help to alleviate the symptoms and help to clear up the pimples, black-heads, and white heads. They can prescribe antibiotics and topical ointments, lotions, and creams that will help but there is no cure at this time for acne.
Fictional Fact #4: Acne is simply a skin problem.
Factual Fact: It's true that acne affects the skin but it can also affect the way a person sees himself or herself. Acne and the scarring it can leave behind may cause a sufferer to become depressed and develop low self-esteem, both of which can lead to larger and more complex life socialization problems. Acne sufferers need the loving support and reassurance from their family and friends.
Acne and Stress:
Can stress actually cause acne? There is ample evidence available to suggest that stress can most assuredly cause an acne breakout or make an existing breakout worse. Our bodies are highly developed chemical laboratories that produce all sorts of stuff.
At puberty, our body begins to produce an abundance of male hormones and this happens in both boys and girls. This overproduction of male hormones can happen at other times in life besides puberty; for example, when a girl or woman starting or stops taking birth control pills.
These male hormones cause the bodies sebaceous glands to shift into overdrive and begin producing sebum. The sebum then travels up hair follicles, clogs the pores and begins the acne development cycle. However, male hormones are not the only cause for the sebaceous glands to begin producing an overabundance of sebum. When we become extremely stressed or overly emotional, our bodies react by causing the adrenal glands to produce a substance known as Cortisol, which is released directly into the bloodstream. Then the chemical chain reaction continues as the sebaceous glands release sebum, the sebum travels up the same hair follicles, clogs the pores and acne develops.
The physical changes in the body can cause exactly the same chemical chain reaction as the emotional changes in the mind. The mind/body connection is very real. Maybe some of it really IS in your head. If that's the case, there is help available to help people deal with the acne that is caused by stress. Reducing stress will just naturally reduce sebum production by the sebaceous glands and reducing sebum production will help to alleviate an acne breakout. Therefore, when you learn to reduce and control you stress levels, this part of the chemical chain reaction is minimized.
It really it isn't any different than restoring a hormonal balance to your body that reduces sebum production. So, in the final analysis, both factors that cause excessive sebum production should be addressed. Solving one problem might help; however, solving both problems could eliminate acne altogether.
Acne Facials:
If you are part of the 95 of the population who suffer from acne, you have more than likely seen TV or print media advertisements for acne facials. Have you ever wondered if there is anything to the claims that their manufacturers make?
In general, the answer is yes! Most acne facials are very effective, pretty much worth the price, and can be used in conjunction with your usual acne fighting regime. They won't necessarily replace any part of what you are already doing; but, rather enhance the overall effects.
You can find acne facials in most health stores, at many cosmetic counters, and online. As a matter of fact, you can probably complete a better comparison of available products online than you can anywhere else.
Most of these acne facial products provide for a three-step program. The first step is a complete facial cleansing. The next step is a steam massage. The final step is a facial mask. The first two steps are designed to prepare the face. The steam massage softens the black heads and the white heads to remove toxins from your skin. The facial mask serves to remove the dead skin cells from the face and to moisturize it as well. The overall effect of the acne facial is a very relaxing, calming, and cleansing experience. It just plain feels good. Anything that helps to calm and sooth your stress can't be bad because we all know that acne is aggravated by high stress levels. Acne facial masks can be used in addition to other parts of your acne prevention and treatment regime or you may find that the facial can, in fact, actually replace some things that you are currently doing.
Acne Concealer's:
One of Newton's laws of physics laws says that, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." That law of physics spills over into a lot of our life situations. For example: A young woman gets a zit and wants to cover it up. The cosmetics industry has a multitude of products designed to do just that. Okay, that's a little far out there but you get my point.
The acne pimples, whether they are white heads or black heads should never be picked at or popped. If they are popped or picked, it can and normally does result is a scar that is much harder to get rid of than the actual pimple, black head or white head. Popping a pimple is not going to make it go away. In fact, popping a pimple is only going to make the acne worse.
Still when you get a zit, you have to go out and face the world so you are looking for ways to make your skin look clear. You want to disguise the zit and make it as unnoticeable as possible. Here is where the cosmetic industry can help. There are a multitude of products designed to make a zit less noticeable. You don't want to use a product that just adds to the problem by adding additional oil to already oily skin. So, you do need to remember, that when you use a cover product to make the zit less noticeable, you need to totally clean the product from your skin immediately when you return home.
Some of the better known as well as more effective cosmetic concealer's on the market today are:
1. Dermablend Smooth Indulgence Concealer: This product produces a smooth matte appearance and was designed specifically for covering acne blemishes as well as for covering Rosacea and dark circles under the eyes.
2. Flawless Skin by Prescriptives: This product will not aggravate acne but will supply a medium to full coverage and it contains SPF 25 for protection from the sun.
Don't let acne control you; but rather, become smart and learn how to control the negative influences in your life that create a positive situation for acne to develop!
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7175.shtml
5 Step Killer DB Workout For Amazingly Fast and Effective Results
When you purchase the fitness equipment, you also get a sheet of paper with a list of exercises to do. No wonder you’re frustrated and no wonder your equipment turns into another expensive clothes hanger.
Here is a solution for you.
For those of you who can’t or don’t want to go to the gym but want a fast and effective workout, here are five steps that will get you to achieve the best results:
Step 1: Spend some cash on dumbbells and bench
If you have got a few bucks available, then go to a fitness equipment dealer and purchase some dumbbells and an adjustable bench. For a woman, start with 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, 10’s, 12’s, and 15 lb. db’s. For a man, go for 50’s with the increment of 5 lb. for each db.
Step 2: Set up your workout space
The most popular choice is the basement, while bedrooms are a distant second. Whatever you choose will do, but the one thing you need to make sure of is that you are doing the exercise correctly. Set a full length mirror in your workout room, it will help.
Step 3: Set aside 30 minutes at least four times a week for strength training
You can also do workouts for 6 days; just make sure that you are splitting up between your body elements for each day to work out. For example, one day, do chest, back, biceps and calves and on the next day, do legs, triceps, abs and shoulders. Use the same arrangements for the 4-day workout. You can also do them during daytime.
Step 4: The db strength training routine
Here are the db exercises that helps to get the most muscles worked in less time:
Chest – db flat bench press
Hold the db’s and lie down on the bench. Press your lower back into the cushion. Lower your db’s so that they are next to your chest, then push up and in an arc until they are above your chest. Feel the stretch at the bottom and also feel your chest muscles working as you go up. Then lower and repeat it again.
Back – db bent over row
Hold the pair of db’s at your side when you stand up straight. Pull your shoulders back, and stick your butt out as you bend forward. Your back should be nice and flat. When the upper body is parallel to the ground with your arms straight, then you are in the starting position. Now, imagine yourself rowing a boat. Make use of the action to drag your db’s up and back then towards the hips. Then lower and do it again.
Biceps – db standing curl
Keep your arms straight and hold the db’s with palms facing forward. Then place the arms at sides and raise the db by bending your elbows only. Don’t include your back and shoulder in it. Bend the elbow and keep the arms straight.
Calves – Standing calf rise on basement step
Put your both feet on the step so that you can situate yourself on the balls of your feet. In this position, maintain your legs straight, abs tight and butt tucked in. then lower your heels to the ground by maintaining the tight position with the rest of your body. Rise up as far as you can, up to the tippy toes. Then lower and do it again.
Legs – db squat for guys and lunge for women
For the squat position: keep your db’s at the sides. When you lower yourself, pretend you are sitting down on the chair. You must stay on your heels. Also, keep your torso tight for a great support to your spine. You can push back yourself, when you feel bending too far ahead as you go down.
For lunges: Keep the db’s at your sides. Keep your torso as stiff as a 2x4 then take big step forward with one leg. Once your foot are planted, lower your hips so that you are about to touch the ground with your tailing knee, but actually you are not touching. Move forward with your front leg. Repeat all the sets with one leg before switching to the other.
Triceps –db triceps kickback
Come to a position of bent over row. Keep the arms steady by raising them at your sides. Then straighten your arms until they are straight as an arrow. Slightly bend your elbows and then straighten your arms. This step is the reverse action of db standing curl.
Shoulders – Standing db shoulder press
Stand straight and be tight to support your spine and lift the dumbbell until they are even with your ears. The position must be in the straight line from your left elbow to your right elbow. Drive the db’s over your head in an arc and make sure that you keep the db’s moving above your head, but not in front.
Step 5: Keep your attention on what you do, instead of what you haven’t done
Don’t be discouraged when you can’t achieve your target workout. For instance, if you do three workouts this week then keep your target as four for next. Be honest with yourself, because it’s you that matters. Adjust your lifestyle so that you can achieve your goal.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7165.shtml
Here is a solution for you.
For those of you who can’t or don’t want to go to the gym but want a fast and effective workout, here are five steps that will get you to achieve the best results:
Step 1: Spend some cash on dumbbells and bench
If you have got a few bucks available, then go to a fitness equipment dealer and purchase some dumbbells and an adjustable bench. For a woman, start with 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, 10’s, 12’s, and 15 lb. db’s. For a man, go for 50’s with the increment of 5 lb. for each db.
Step 2: Set up your workout space
The most popular choice is the basement, while bedrooms are a distant second. Whatever you choose will do, but the one thing you need to make sure of is that you are doing the exercise correctly. Set a full length mirror in your workout room, it will help.
Step 3: Set aside 30 minutes at least four times a week for strength training
You can also do workouts for 6 days; just make sure that you are splitting up between your body elements for each day to work out. For example, one day, do chest, back, biceps and calves and on the next day, do legs, triceps, abs and shoulders. Use the same arrangements for the 4-day workout. You can also do them during daytime.
Step 4: The db strength training routine
Here are the db exercises that helps to get the most muscles worked in less time:
Chest – db flat bench press
Hold the db’s and lie down on the bench. Press your lower back into the cushion. Lower your db’s so that they are next to your chest, then push up and in an arc until they are above your chest. Feel the stretch at the bottom and also feel your chest muscles working as you go up. Then lower and repeat it again.
Back – db bent over row
Hold the pair of db’s at your side when you stand up straight. Pull your shoulders back, and stick your butt out as you bend forward. Your back should be nice and flat. When the upper body is parallel to the ground with your arms straight, then you are in the starting position. Now, imagine yourself rowing a boat. Make use of the action to drag your db’s up and back then towards the hips. Then lower and do it again.
Biceps – db standing curl
Keep your arms straight and hold the db’s with palms facing forward. Then place the arms at sides and raise the db by bending your elbows only. Don’t include your back and shoulder in it. Bend the elbow and keep the arms straight.
Calves – Standing calf rise on basement step
Put your both feet on the step so that you can situate yourself on the balls of your feet. In this position, maintain your legs straight, abs tight and butt tucked in. then lower your heels to the ground by maintaining the tight position with the rest of your body. Rise up as far as you can, up to the tippy toes. Then lower and do it again.
Legs – db squat for guys and lunge for women
For the squat position: keep your db’s at the sides. When you lower yourself, pretend you are sitting down on the chair. You must stay on your heels. Also, keep your torso tight for a great support to your spine. You can push back yourself, when you feel bending too far ahead as you go down.
For lunges: Keep the db’s at your sides. Keep your torso as stiff as a 2x4 then take big step forward with one leg. Once your foot are planted, lower your hips so that you are about to touch the ground with your tailing knee, but actually you are not touching. Move forward with your front leg. Repeat all the sets with one leg before switching to the other.
Triceps –db triceps kickback
Come to a position of bent over row. Keep the arms steady by raising them at your sides. Then straighten your arms until they are straight as an arrow. Slightly bend your elbows and then straighten your arms. This step is the reverse action of db standing curl.
Shoulders – Standing db shoulder press
Stand straight and be tight to support your spine and lift the dumbbell until they are even with your ears. The position must be in the straight line from your left elbow to your right elbow. Drive the db’s over your head in an arc and make sure that you keep the db’s moving above your head, but not in front.
Step 5: Keep your attention on what you do, instead of what you haven’t done
Don’t be discouraged when you can’t achieve your target workout. For instance, if you do three workouts this week then keep your target as four for next. Be honest with yourself, because it’s you that matters. Adjust your lifestyle so that you can achieve your goal.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7165.shtml
The pain known as sciatica (sometimes misspelled as "syatica" or "psyatica") is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve (one on each side). The symptoms of sciatica usually start in the buttock and may extend partially or all the way down the leg. The sciatic nerves are each formed by nerve roots from the lower lumbar and sacral parts of the spinal cord. The individual nerve roots come together in the lower pelvis to form the sciatic nerves. Each sciatic nerve then runs from the pelvis down the back of each leg. The sciatic nerve splits into two parts below the knee and the two halves run down the back of the lower leg to the foot.
While there are several possible causes of sciatica, by far the most common source of sciatic nerve irritation is a bulging or herniated disc in the lower lumbar spine. A damaged disc may bulge into the opening where one of the nerve roots exits the spine on it's way to join other nerve roots as part of the sciatic nerve. The bulging disc may create direct nerve pressure, and/or may trigger inflammation and swelling, which can also cause pressure on the nerve. When this occurs, pain and other symptoms may be felt part along the course of the sciatic nerve, starting in the buttock area and possibly running down the leg, sometimes all the way to the foot.
Besides disc bulges, spinal openings for nerves may be narrowed by bone spurs or other bone formations related to spinal degeneration. In some cases, sciatica may result from direct trauma to the nerve after it exits the pelvis, such as what can happen if there is a direct impact or hard pressure applied in the lower buttock region. Rare sources of sciatica can include spinal tumors, which can compress sciatic nerve roots as they exit the spine. Another rare cause of sciatica is a cyst or tumor that compresses the sciatic nerve in the hip or knee area.
Not every buttock or leg pain that people think is sciatica is acutually sciatica. True sciatica (sciatic nerve irritation) is usually felt mostly in the back of the leg (not the front or side of the leg). Symptoms of true sciatica are described by various people as stabbing, burning, tingling, numbness/heaviness, or like an electric shock. But even if symptoms seem like sciatica, they are not always due to actual irritation of the sciatic nerve.
One common condition that closely mimics sciatica is caused by knots of contraction called trigger points in a muscle called the piriformis. The piriformis muscles are located on either side of the lower buttock area, running from the upper thigh bone to the edge of the sacrum (the triangular pelvic bone that is at the base of the spine). In addition to causing symptoms that mimic sciatica, tightness in the piriformis muscle may also cause true sciatic irritation, because the sciatic nerve actually runs through the center of the piriformis muscle in some people, and can be compressed by excessive muscle contraction.
Trigger points in other muscles in the buttocks and upper thigh can cause referred pain in the side of the leg that may be mistaken for sciatica as well. It should be kept in mind that true sciatica and piriformis syndrome are associated with symptoms that are primarily felt in the back of the leg. If symptoms are in the front or side of the leg, there's a good chance that the problem is not sciatica.
Treatment of sciatica is usually associated with treating a bulging disc. The first line of treatment is usually an attempt to reduce inflammation to reduce pressure on the nerve bymeans of oral medications. If oral medications fail, steroids may be injected in the area of the disc bulge in order to provide more potent anti-inflammatory effects. A variety of other types of treatment may also be used, such as physical therapy, massage, chiropractic or osteopathic spinal manipulation, acupuncture, or one of the newest forms of treatment, spinal decompression. In some situations, surgery may be recommended as a last resort.
Most episodes of sciatica will resolve within a period of several weeks with or without treatment, but due to the severity of the pain typically involved, most people with sciatica will seek out treatment. Unfortunately, due to misconceptions by doctors and patients alike regarding the nature of sciatica, the necessary steps to prevent a return of sciatica are usually not taken. So, even though most people do recover from a bout of sciatica, nearly all will eventually have problems again at some point. Even sciatica sufferers initially treated successfully with surgery will often have future problems with sciatica.
The good news is that with awareness of how to manage sciatica and a little bit of effort dedicated to prevention, most people can avoid ongoing long-term sciatica problems. The challenge is simply to making people aware of the necessity of a "management" versus "cure" approach to sciatica and getting them to follow-through with preventive exercises and other self-care techniques.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7160.shtml
While there are several possible causes of sciatica, by far the most common source of sciatic nerve irritation is a bulging or herniated disc in the lower lumbar spine. A damaged disc may bulge into the opening where one of the nerve roots exits the spine on it's way to join other nerve roots as part of the sciatic nerve. The bulging disc may create direct nerve pressure, and/or may trigger inflammation and swelling, which can also cause pressure on the nerve. When this occurs, pain and other symptoms may be felt part along the course of the sciatic nerve, starting in the buttock area and possibly running down the leg, sometimes all the way to the foot.
Besides disc bulges, spinal openings for nerves may be narrowed by bone spurs or other bone formations related to spinal degeneration. In some cases, sciatica may result from direct trauma to the nerve after it exits the pelvis, such as what can happen if there is a direct impact or hard pressure applied in the lower buttock region. Rare sources of sciatica can include spinal tumors, which can compress sciatic nerve roots as they exit the spine. Another rare cause of sciatica is a cyst or tumor that compresses the sciatic nerve in the hip or knee area.
Not every buttock or leg pain that people think is sciatica is acutually sciatica. True sciatica (sciatic nerve irritation) is usually felt mostly in the back of the leg (not the front or side of the leg). Symptoms of true sciatica are described by various people as stabbing, burning, tingling, numbness/heaviness, or like an electric shock. But even if symptoms seem like sciatica, they are not always due to actual irritation of the sciatic nerve.
One common condition that closely mimics sciatica is caused by knots of contraction called trigger points in a muscle called the piriformis. The piriformis muscles are located on either side of the lower buttock area, running from the upper thigh bone to the edge of the sacrum (the triangular pelvic bone that is at the base of the spine). In addition to causing symptoms that mimic sciatica, tightness in the piriformis muscle may also cause true sciatic irritation, because the sciatic nerve actually runs through the center of the piriformis muscle in some people, and can be compressed by excessive muscle contraction.
Trigger points in other muscles in the buttocks and upper thigh can cause referred pain in the side of the leg that may be mistaken for sciatica as well. It should be kept in mind that true sciatica and piriformis syndrome are associated with symptoms that are primarily felt in the back of the leg. If symptoms are in the front or side of the leg, there's a good chance that the problem is not sciatica.
Treatment of sciatica is usually associated with treating a bulging disc. The first line of treatment is usually an attempt to reduce inflammation to reduce pressure on the nerve bymeans of oral medications. If oral medications fail, steroids may be injected in the area of the disc bulge in order to provide more potent anti-inflammatory effects. A variety of other types of treatment may also be used, such as physical therapy, massage, chiropractic or osteopathic spinal manipulation, acupuncture, or one of the newest forms of treatment, spinal decompression. In some situations, surgery may be recommended as a last resort.
Most episodes of sciatica will resolve within a period of several weeks with or without treatment, but due to the severity of the pain typically involved, most people with sciatica will seek out treatment. Unfortunately, due to misconceptions by doctors and patients alike regarding the nature of sciatica, the necessary steps to prevent a return of sciatica are usually not taken. So, even though most people do recover from a bout of sciatica, nearly all will eventually have problems again at some point. Even sciatica sufferers initially treated successfully with surgery will often have future problems with sciatica.
The good news is that with awareness of how to manage sciatica and a little bit of effort dedicated to prevention, most people can avoid ongoing long-term sciatica problems. The challenge is simply to making people aware of the necessity of a "management" versus "cure" approach to sciatica and getting them to follow-through with preventive exercises and other self-care techniques.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7160.shtml
Changing bodies, changing needs: teens, ages 13 to 19
It would be nice if teens came with an owner's manual, but, of course, they don't. Actually that's part of the fun and challenge of parenting teens. Each one is unique. The best you can do as a parent is to try to guide your teen through the obstacle course of adolescence with love, firmness, patience and healthy role-modeling. It is extremely important to stay involved in your teenager's day-to-day life. Here are some helpful tips:
[check] Openly discuss and role-play ways to handle temptations, such as peer pressure to have sex, drink, smoke or take drugs.
[check] Explain the health risks of smoking, abusing household products such as inhalants, and abusing alcohol and nonprescription and prescription medications.
[check] Insist that your teen wear a helmet when cycling and appropriate protective gear when engaging in other sports.
[check] Insist that your teen always wear a seat belt.
[check] Talk about the danger of handling guns.
[check] Offer to pick up your teenager anywhere, anytime--with no questions asked--if he or she is tempted to drive while high or drunk or is asked to ride in a car driven by an intoxicated friend.
[check] Be alert for signs of drug use, depression, eating disorders and gang participation. If a problem seems too serious for you to handle alone, seek help. Contact a health care professional, clergy member, support group or school counselor.
[check] Provide nutritional, well-balanced, high-fiber meals and snacks that are rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Teens should consume at least three servings of dairy foods per day.
[check] Challenge your teen to seek out healthier alternatives to fast food.
[check] Limit television watching and eating in front of the TV.
[check] Encourage regular physical activity. Plan family outings, such as swimming and hiking. Play sports together.
[check] Be a healthy eating role model yourself.
[check] Emphasize the importance of self-care, including regular exercise, a balanced, low-fat diet and regular oral health checkups.
[check] Answer your teen's questions about sex honestly and provide resources to help him or her make safe and healthy decisions about sex.
[check] Make age-appropriate rules and follow through with your enforcement of those rules.
[check] Encourage your teen to get at least nine hours of sleep each night.
[check] Engage in regular discussions about the powerful influences of peer pressure.
[check] Keep the lines of communication open; avoid judging or preaching.
[check] Help your teen learn how to roll with the punches and put life's stresses into perspective.
Sources: American Medical Association; The Nemours Foundation; and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
If your teen has acne, she or he isn't alone. Acne occurs in almost 85 percent of 12- to 24-year-olds. Though the precise cause is unknown, experts believe acne results from hormones, which increase during puberty and can cause the glands to enlarge and make more sebum (oil). Another factor is heredity. Stress, certain drugs, greasy cosmetics, friction and environmental irritants can worsen acne. But it's a myth that chocolate or other foods, or dirt, are to blame.
[check] Wash skin gently with a mild soap made for acne-prone skin. Scrubbing your face or washing too often can make acne worse.
[check] To help prevent scarring, avoid picking or frequently touching pimples.
[check] Shave carefully to avoid nicking blemishes. Try both an electric razor and a disposable razor (always use a sharp blade) to see which works better.
[check] Avoid sunbathing.
[check] Use only oil-free cosmetics.
[check] Try over-the-counter acne treatments to help dry the skin and prevent new blemishes.
[check] For severe cases of acne, ask your pediatrician or dermatologist about an oral prescription medication or a topical acne treatment.
Sources: American Academy of Dermatology and the National Institutes of Health
Teen Depression Warning Signs
* Changes in personality or eating and sleeping habits
* Sustained boredom, irritability or sadness
* Unexplained violent or rebellious behavior, significant problems with parents
* Withdrawal from family or friends
* Tobacco, alcohol or other substance abuse
* Significant weight gain or loss and unusual neglect of appearance
* Difficulty concentrating, unexplained drop in schoolwork quality and grades
* Unplanned pregnancy
* Problems dealing with sexual orientation
* Unusual interest in themes of death; giving away prized possessions
* Talking about suicide or threatening or attempting to kill oneself
* Running away or being arrested
If your child displays any of the above warning signs, call a pediatrician, mental health professional, school counselor or the National Suicide Hotline, 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).
Eating Disorder Warning Signs
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are devastating illnesses for both the affected individual and their families. They are most common among teenage girls and women in their early 20s, but can occur in boys and men, as well. Untreated, eating disorders can lead to serious health problems and death. Not all health care professionals are trained to treat eating disorders. Ask your health care professional for a referral to a specialist if your teen exhibits any of these behaviors or symptoms:
* Intense fear of weight gain; anxiety around mealtimes
* Strange behavior around meals, including moving food around on the plate without eating it and hiding food
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* Unrealistic or distorted body image
* Missing menstrual periods
* Withdrawing emotionally from people and avoiding social activities
* Eating large amounts of food in one sitting or secretively (bingeing), then getting rid of it by forced vomiting or abusing laxatives (purging)
* Disappearing into the bathroom after meals for long periods of time
* Exercising to excess
Parents can do a lot to discourage unhealthy eating behaviors and encourage positive body images among their teens. Try these approaches:
* Explain that it's healthy and normal to gain some weight and experience other physical changes during adolescence.
* Don't criticize your teen's weight.
* Talk about the idealized physical images of men and women portrayed by the media and how these images are unrealistic for most people.
* Model healthy attitudes about your own body.
Sources: American Psychiatric Association; American Academy of Pediatrics; and the Harvard Eating Disorders Center
How to Quit Smoking Tips to Share with Teens
Tobacco use produces substantial health problems among teens, including an increase in the number and severity of respiratory illnesses, such as asthma and bronchitis, and decreased physical fitness. Tobacco use also increases the risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema and other health problems later in life. The first symptoms of tobacco dependence among 12- and 13-year-olds can appear within days to weeks after occasional use begins, often before the onset of daily smoking. Here are some tips for teens:
* Choose a "Quit Day" in the next two weeks.
* Use the Internet: www.smokefree.gov, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, is one of several smoking-cessation sites for Web-savvy teens.
* If you are looking for a job, try to apply only at smoke-free workplaces.
* Get involved in team sports where you are likely to meet friends who don't smoke.
* Ask your health care professional about treatments to quit smoking. Many over-the-counter products that include self-help programs are available for smokers 18 and over. For younger teens, ask your health care professional for guidance.
* See if your school or community offers N-O-T (Not on Tobacco), a teen program of the American Lung Association, www.lungusa.org.
* Consider enrolling in group or individual therapy aimed at smoking cessation.
Suggest your teen do one of the following activities when he or she feels like smoking:
* Go for a walk.
* Call a friend.
* Drink water or juice.
* Take a deep breath and count to five. Let your breath out slowly. Repeat five times.
* Tell yourself, "I can quit smoking."
Sources: American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics
[check] Openly discuss and role-play ways to handle temptations, such as peer pressure to have sex, drink, smoke or take drugs.
[check] Explain the health risks of smoking, abusing household products such as inhalants, and abusing alcohol and nonprescription and prescription medications.
[check] Insist that your teen wear a helmet when cycling and appropriate protective gear when engaging in other sports.
[check] Insist that your teen always wear a seat belt.
[check] Talk about the danger of handling guns.
[check] Offer to pick up your teenager anywhere, anytime--with no questions asked--if he or she is tempted to drive while high or drunk or is asked to ride in a car driven by an intoxicated friend.
[check] Be alert for signs of drug use, depression, eating disorders and gang participation. If a problem seems too serious for you to handle alone, seek help. Contact a health care professional, clergy member, support group or school counselor.
[check] Provide nutritional, well-balanced, high-fiber meals and snacks that are rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Teens should consume at least three servings of dairy foods per day.
[check] Challenge your teen to seek out healthier alternatives to fast food.
[check] Limit television watching and eating in front of the TV.
[check] Encourage regular physical activity. Plan family outings, such as swimming and hiking. Play sports together.
[check] Be a healthy eating role model yourself.
[check] Emphasize the importance of self-care, including regular exercise, a balanced, low-fat diet and regular oral health checkups.
[check] Answer your teen's questions about sex honestly and provide resources to help him or her make safe and healthy decisions about sex.
[check] Make age-appropriate rules and follow through with your enforcement of those rules.
[check] Encourage your teen to get at least nine hours of sleep each night.
[check] Engage in regular discussions about the powerful influences of peer pressure.
[check] Keep the lines of communication open; avoid judging or preaching.
[check] Help your teen learn how to roll with the punches and put life's stresses into perspective.
Sources: American Medical Association; The Nemours Foundation; and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
If your teen has acne, she or he isn't alone. Acne occurs in almost 85 percent of 12- to 24-year-olds. Though the precise cause is unknown, experts believe acne results from hormones, which increase during puberty and can cause the glands to enlarge and make more sebum (oil). Another factor is heredity. Stress, certain drugs, greasy cosmetics, friction and environmental irritants can worsen acne. But it's a myth that chocolate or other foods, or dirt, are to blame.
[check] Wash skin gently with a mild soap made for acne-prone skin. Scrubbing your face or washing too often can make acne worse.
[check] To help prevent scarring, avoid picking or frequently touching pimples.
[check] Shave carefully to avoid nicking blemishes. Try both an electric razor and a disposable razor (always use a sharp blade) to see which works better.
[check] Avoid sunbathing.
[check] Use only oil-free cosmetics.
[check] Try over-the-counter acne treatments to help dry the skin and prevent new blemishes.
[check] For severe cases of acne, ask your pediatrician or dermatologist about an oral prescription medication or a topical acne treatment.
Sources: American Academy of Dermatology and the National Institutes of Health
Teen Depression Warning Signs
* Changes in personality or eating and sleeping habits
* Sustained boredom, irritability or sadness
* Unexplained violent or rebellious behavior, significant problems with parents
* Withdrawal from family or friends
* Tobacco, alcohol or other substance abuse
* Significant weight gain or loss and unusual neglect of appearance
* Difficulty concentrating, unexplained drop in schoolwork quality and grades
* Unplanned pregnancy
* Problems dealing with sexual orientation
* Unusual interest in themes of death; giving away prized possessions
* Talking about suicide or threatening or attempting to kill oneself
* Running away or being arrested
If your child displays any of the above warning signs, call a pediatrician, mental health professional, school counselor or the National Suicide Hotline, 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).
Eating Disorder Warning Signs
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are devastating illnesses for both the affected individual and their families. They are most common among teenage girls and women in their early 20s, but can occur in boys and men, as well. Untreated, eating disorders can lead to serious health problems and death. Not all health care professionals are trained to treat eating disorders. Ask your health care professional for a referral to a specialist if your teen exhibits any of these behaviors or symptoms:
* Intense fear of weight gain; anxiety around mealtimes
* Strange behavior around meals, including moving food around on the plate without eating it and hiding food
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* Unrealistic or distorted body image
* Missing menstrual periods
* Withdrawing emotionally from people and avoiding social activities
* Eating large amounts of food in one sitting or secretively (bingeing), then getting rid of it by forced vomiting or abusing laxatives (purging)
* Disappearing into the bathroom after meals for long periods of time
* Exercising to excess
Parents can do a lot to discourage unhealthy eating behaviors and encourage positive body images among their teens. Try these approaches:
* Explain that it's healthy and normal to gain some weight and experience other physical changes during adolescence.
* Don't criticize your teen's weight.
* Talk about the idealized physical images of men and women portrayed by the media and how these images are unrealistic for most people.
* Model healthy attitudes about your own body.
Sources: American Psychiatric Association; American Academy of Pediatrics; and the Harvard Eating Disorders Center
How to Quit Smoking Tips to Share with Teens
Tobacco use produces substantial health problems among teens, including an increase in the number and severity of respiratory illnesses, such as asthma and bronchitis, and decreased physical fitness. Tobacco use also increases the risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema and other health problems later in life. The first symptoms of tobacco dependence among 12- and 13-year-olds can appear within days to weeks after occasional use begins, often before the onset of daily smoking. Here are some tips for teens:
* Choose a "Quit Day" in the next two weeks.
* Use the Internet: www.smokefree.gov, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, is one of several smoking-cessation sites for Web-savvy teens.
* If you are looking for a job, try to apply only at smoke-free workplaces.
* Get involved in team sports where you are likely to meet friends who don't smoke.
* Ask your health care professional about treatments to quit smoking. Many over-the-counter products that include self-help programs are available for smokers 18 and over. For younger teens, ask your health care professional for guidance.
* See if your school or community offers N-O-T (Not on Tobacco), a teen program of the American Lung Association, www.lungusa.org.
* Consider enrolling in group or individual therapy aimed at smoking cessation.
Suggest your teen do one of the following activities when he or she feels like smoking:
* Go for a walk.
* Call a friend.
* Drink water or juice.
* Take a deep breath and count to five. Let your breath out slowly. Repeat five times.
* Tell yourself, "I can quit smoking."
Sources: American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics
Blow Away Your Dandruff
by: Darren Brent
Do you suffer from itchy scalp but embarrassed to scratch in public?
Do you have hair loss while you always have white flakes shedding on your clothes?
You are not alone as there are millions like you who suffer from Dandruff. Understanding what this skin disease is and how to combat it effectively is the only solution. Dandruff is the name given to the shedding of skin on the scalp, and appears as white flakes in the hair causing discomfort. Although our skin sheds dead cells and renews itself every fortnight, the word dandruff refers to the unsightly shedding of dead skin which is known to be caused by a fungus. The common symptoms are itchy scalp and white flakes visible in the hair and surface when you scratch.
Dandruff is usually two fungi, Malassezia Furfur and Pityrosporum ovale, that reside in the human body. The fungus sometimes creates an imbalance, so that the renewal of skin cells leads to an overload of dead cells being shed. Most of the dandruff shampoos which claim to reduce dandruff contain Zinc Pyrithione and Nizoral. However, the more chemical you apply to your skin, the more the chances of an adverse reaction increase. In the case of an allergic reaction, consider trying out natural and herb based shampoos, which can contain the growth of dandruff.
You will need to wash your hair very frequently with these highly chemical based shampoos to curb the spread of these fungi. The main function of anti dandruff shampoos is to wash away and remove the dead skin cells faster than they can be shed. This is the only way to keep your scalp healthy and clean. Anti Dandruff shampoos contain strong chemicals which break down oils and contain fungicides to kill the microbial and fungi growth for cleaner hair and a healthier scalp. Lemon, orange, basil, papaya, cloves and other citrus fruits contain astringents that help keep the scalp clear of dead skin.
Applying herb based oils containing Lemon have concentration of anti fungal properties. Lemon oils are used to treat skin allergies which occur due to intense oil production. Lemon has a unique quality of sapping away excess oil which helps to eliminate acne and dandruff. Washing your hair after oiling it well with coconut oil is also known to benefit curbing dandruff. You can also condition your hair using eggs, once a fortnight as egg is known to give a beautiful shine to your hair.
About The Author
Darren Brent writes for the http://www.onestoptreatment.com We provides information on all aspects of finding Hair and Skin Care,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips about Hair and Skin Care in our education center.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7136.shtml
Do you suffer from itchy scalp but embarrassed to scratch in public?
Do you have hair loss while you always have white flakes shedding on your clothes?
You are not alone as there are millions like you who suffer from Dandruff. Understanding what this skin disease is and how to combat it effectively is the only solution. Dandruff is the name given to the shedding of skin on the scalp, and appears as white flakes in the hair causing discomfort. Although our skin sheds dead cells and renews itself every fortnight, the word dandruff refers to the unsightly shedding of dead skin which is known to be caused by a fungus. The common symptoms are itchy scalp and white flakes visible in the hair and surface when you scratch.
Dandruff is usually two fungi, Malassezia Furfur and Pityrosporum ovale, that reside in the human body. The fungus sometimes creates an imbalance, so that the renewal of skin cells leads to an overload of dead cells being shed. Most of the dandruff shampoos which claim to reduce dandruff contain Zinc Pyrithione and Nizoral. However, the more chemical you apply to your skin, the more the chances of an adverse reaction increase. In the case of an allergic reaction, consider trying out natural and herb based shampoos, which can contain the growth of dandruff.
You will need to wash your hair very frequently with these highly chemical based shampoos to curb the spread of these fungi. The main function of anti dandruff shampoos is to wash away and remove the dead skin cells faster than they can be shed. This is the only way to keep your scalp healthy and clean. Anti Dandruff shampoos contain strong chemicals which break down oils and contain fungicides to kill the microbial and fungi growth for cleaner hair and a healthier scalp. Lemon, orange, basil, papaya, cloves and other citrus fruits contain astringents that help keep the scalp clear of dead skin.
Applying herb based oils containing Lemon have concentration of anti fungal properties. Lemon oils are used to treat skin allergies which occur due to intense oil production. Lemon has a unique quality of sapping away excess oil which helps to eliminate acne and dandruff. Washing your hair after oiling it well with coconut oil is also known to benefit curbing dandruff. You can also condition your hair using eggs, once a fortnight as egg is known to give a beautiful shine to your hair.
About The Author
Darren Brent writes for the http://www.onestoptreatment.com We provides information on all aspects of finding Hair and Skin Care,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips about Hair and Skin Care in our education center.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7136.shtml
Unfold the Secret - Learn About Essential Oils
by: Darren Brent
Aromatherapy is an ancient science of using aromas to treat a patient who might be suffering from any kind of disease. Not only do the aromas of plants and herbs used effectively to cure and relaxes a person, it affects a portion of the brain which is highly receptive to olfactory nerves, stimulating relaxation and providing stress relief. Essential oils are the core of the science of aromatherapy, which provides base for this fragrant treatment. Aromatherapy uses essential oils, that everyone knows commonly but do you actually know what essential oils actually are?
Essential oils are extracted from various plants using steam or water of leaves, roots, the stem, bark, flowers and all parts of the trees are used effectively. Distilled essential oils are known to be transparent and clear but some are colored.
Aromatherapy uses blend of oils which are available, and may work better than simply using single aromatic oils. Aromatherapy works with essential oils as vaporization of these oils creates different moods and can produce a beautiful ambience, along with releasing a soothing fragrance which fills your soul. The right way to vaporize aromatherapy oils is to use oil burners, light bulb rings and aroma stone vaporizers. However, essential oils which are derived from orange, lemon, tangerine, lemongrass and patchouli are yellow in color. These oils are volatile, concentrated and usually come in small bottle but as they evaporate easily, leaving no oily residue which is also an indication of purity and should be kept tightly closed.
For skin care benefits, apply the oils after diluting them in almond oil or olive oil or other pure natural oil bases. Essential oils are real blessing to our health and skin care regimen as their application is known to be highly beneficial in medical conditions also.
You might be wondering as to where and how to purchase these oils?
Although these are available in health stores while you can also purchase them over the counter in many drug stores. When purchasing these oils, be careful to buy only the highest quality products. Essential oil prices vary depending on availability and quality as the product is fixed on the basis of country of origin, quality standardization of distilment and the amount of oil derived from the plant. Essential oils will be priced very steep in comparison with the artificially manufactured oils.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7137.shtml
Aromatherapy is an ancient science of using aromas to treat a patient who might be suffering from any kind of disease. Not only do the aromas of plants and herbs used effectively to cure and relaxes a person, it affects a portion of the brain which is highly receptive to olfactory nerves, stimulating relaxation and providing stress relief. Essential oils are the core of the science of aromatherapy, which provides base for this fragrant treatment. Aromatherapy uses essential oils, that everyone knows commonly but do you actually know what essential oils actually are?
Essential oils are extracted from various plants using steam or water of leaves, roots, the stem, bark, flowers and all parts of the trees are used effectively. Distilled essential oils are known to be transparent and clear but some are colored.
Aromatherapy uses blend of oils which are available, and may work better than simply using single aromatic oils. Aromatherapy works with essential oils as vaporization of these oils creates different moods and can produce a beautiful ambience, along with releasing a soothing fragrance which fills your soul. The right way to vaporize aromatherapy oils is to use oil burners, light bulb rings and aroma stone vaporizers. However, essential oils which are derived from orange, lemon, tangerine, lemongrass and patchouli are yellow in color. These oils are volatile, concentrated and usually come in small bottle but as they evaporate easily, leaving no oily residue which is also an indication of purity and should be kept tightly closed.
For skin care benefits, apply the oils after diluting them in almond oil or olive oil or other pure natural oil bases. Essential oils are real blessing to our health and skin care regimen as their application is known to be highly beneficial in medical conditions also.
You might be wondering as to where and how to purchase these oils?
Although these are available in health stores while you can also purchase them over the counter in many drug stores. When purchasing these oils, be careful to buy only the highest quality products. Essential oil prices vary depending on availability and quality as the product is fixed on the basis of country of origin, quality standardization of distilment and the amount of oil derived from the plant. Essential oils will be priced very steep in comparison with the artificially manufactured oils.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7137.shtml
Fantastic Method to Eliminate Cellulite!
by: Darren Brent
Contrary to popular myth that cellulite is irreversible, cellulite can be removed!
However, you need to have an effective treatment as cellulite is a build up of several years and is not an overnight accumulation. It is the improper distribution of fat which is joined to the connective tissues in the body. The connective tissues are those which help n the distribution of fat below the skin surface and sometimes due to accumulation of toxins in the body, uneven distribution takes place leading to cellulite or lumping. You need not be obese to have cellulite, as even models are known to suffer from it!
It has a drastic effect on your self esteem and especially in the summer months you feel embarrassed wearing short skirts and minis. However, it not restricted to women as equal number of men suffer from it. Cellulite accumulates usually on the buttocks, things and hips which makes it unsightly when you need to wear a swimsuit.
Accumulation of toxins is one of the biggest reasons for cellulite formation as built in toxins hinder proper blood circulation. You must be wondering as to what you eat to accumulate so many toxins- well, think about all the preservatives, alcohol consumption, smoking, colors and artificial flavors all contribute to some extent for the toxin built up in the body. Improper drinking of water becomes the last straw.
To completely flush out toxins, one must drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water which goes a long way to eliminate cellulite also as all of these are inter connected. Proper exercise and inclusion of fresh fruits and vegetable also helps. With research and study, many herbal creams and oils are now available which help in smoothening out the skin. The orange peel look is attributed to lumping up of fat cells under the thin layer of the skin. Effective remedies help in breaking the fat cells accumulations while walking, leg squats, leg exercises also help in proper blood circulation. A rejuvenating massage is also a good idea to reduce the cellulite lumps as massage helps to increase blood circulation and breaks muscle, fat lumps in the body.
There are many anti-cellulite creams, essential oils and lotions available which are known to be effective in curing cellulite completely. However, left alone cellulite creams will not be effective unless you exercise and increase blood circulation in the body but it can definitely go away, is a fact.
About The Author
Darren Brent writes for the http://www.onestoptreatment.com. We provide information on all aspects of finding Essential Oils,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips about Essential Oils in our education center.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7140.shtml
Contrary to popular myth that cellulite is irreversible, cellulite can be removed!
However, you need to have an effective treatment as cellulite is a build up of several years and is not an overnight accumulation. It is the improper distribution of fat which is joined to the connective tissues in the body. The connective tissues are those which help n the distribution of fat below the skin surface and sometimes due to accumulation of toxins in the body, uneven distribution takes place leading to cellulite or lumping. You need not be obese to have cellulite, as even models are known to suffer from it!
It has a drastic effect on your self esteem and especially in the summer months you feel embarrassed wearing short skirts and minis. However, it not restricted to women as equal number of men suffer from it. Cellulite accumulates usually on the buttocks, things and hips which makes it unsightly when you need to wear a swimsuit.
Accumulation of toxins is one of the biggest reasons for cellulite formation as built in toxins hinder proper blood circulation. You must be wondering as to what you eat to accumulate so many toxins- well, think about all the preservatives, alcohol consumption, smoking, colors and artificial flavors all contribute to some extent for the toxin built up in the body. Improper drinking of water becomes the last straw.
To completely flush out toxins, one must drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water which goes a long way to eliminate cellulite also as all of these are inter connected. Proper exercise and inclusion of fresh fruits and vegetable also helps. With research and study, many herbal creams and oils are now available which help in smoothening out the skin. The orange peel look is attributed to lumping up of fat cells under the thin layer of the skin. Effective remedies help in breaking the fat cells accumulations while walking, leg squats, leg exercises also help in proper blood circulation. A rejuvenating massage is also a good idea to reduce the cellulite lumps as massage helps to increase blood circulation and breaks muscle, fat lumps in the body.
There are many anti-cellulite creams, essential oils and lotions available which are known to be effective in curing cellulite completely. However, left alone cellulite creams will not be effective unless you exercise and increase blood circulation in the body but it can definitely go away, is a fact.
About The Author
Darren Brent writes for the http://www.onestoptreatment.com. We provide information on all aspects of finding Essential Oils,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips about Essential Oils in our education center.
source http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_7140.shtml
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